
Okay, I know I'm a little late to the party, but I don't watch live tv anymore...

Exactly! "Blog commenter skeptics" so frequently write as though there are about fifteen scientists with dubious credentials who came up with this whole idea of anthropogenic climate change (mainly to enrich themselves), and it's now time for amateurs with a few anecdotes to point out the obvious flaws in their

Actually, if I was an insane billionaire (instead of just insane), the first thing I'd do for movies is run around buying up all the rights to every movie that should never be remade. And Akira, live action or not, would be right at the top of that list.

Very cool, but it doesn't look to me like more than an incremental improvement over digital elevation maps that have been available for a long time... the most impressive thing about it to me is the fact that they've released data that covers most of the earth's surface.

I've spent my entire career working with scientists, at the National Science Foundation and at the National Academies of Science, as well as numerous other academic organizations. I have no political agenda with regard to scientific endeavors in any field, I'm simply stating facts based on my experience.

I tried Terra Nova too, but honestly, there just isn't enough time in the world to waste it on something as superficial and poorly written as this show. Shows like Breaking Bad have raised the bar, and it's time for producers to realize that you can't just shovel out nice-looking crap and have it live long and

I'm sorry, but you have no idea what you're talking about. Your arguments suggests that thousands of professionals from all over the globe have decided to forget all their years of training and dedication to their disciplines, and accept "flimsy evidence" with "a margin of error in the vicinity of 100%". It's clear

I'm sorry, but you are proclaiming the latest red herring of climate change deniers: "it's not science if 'proponents' simply declare a consensus and refuse to consider alternatives". This argument is simply not based in fact. The truth is, global warming (more properly called climate change, simply because it

And, how is it different/better than ooTunes? ooTunes is not the prettiest interface, but it'll play any streaming radio station in the world, plus grab pretty much any web stream you can find. Among others, I've favorited all the main BBC stations, a few CBC stations, plus Progressive Radio, a few sports radio

The answer should be obvious: River Tam.

I don't know, but I always assumed the Chinese in the show would logically be mangled, in context... it's taking place centuries in the future, and not being used for everyday communication, but only for situational emphasis by people who weren't native speakers to begin with.

@Valik: "Science only works if you question the consensus; not if you go along with it and except it because everyone else does."

@geuis.teses: Thanks for writing that post, so I don't have to. Well put! I have lot of difficulty understanding why, in the face of overwhelming scientific consensus, so many people think "it's a matter of opinion". That's just not the way science works...

...and if we'd listened to them we wouldn't have added trillions of dollars to our debt and lost thousands of lives in Iraq. All those jokes about "freedom fries" and "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" don't seem so funny ten years later...

@chrisgleim1: If Pandora is too mainstream for you, try mixest.com... it specializes in under-the-radar tracks, and even has a "more obscure" button you can hit if you hear a track you've heard before. Works in Safari on the iPhone, too.

Glad to see it pointed out that the pic doesn't have Shannon Doherty in it, it has Holly Marie Combs (Rose McGowan, of course, replaced Doherty). Personally, when I was in the mood to watch something enjoyably dumb with highly attractive wimminz, Charmed often fit the bill. But I have to admit that to me, the barely

Tough choice... I had to make Firefly one of them, though, I like it enough that it was my ringtone for quite awhile.

Wouldn't it be great if this post actually let you read about the apps of the week?? After clicking the apps in the right column and the "check out the full list here" link a couple of times, I realized it's just a hamster wheel that comes back to the same place every time without ever delivering any actual

You had me at "Summer Glau with superpowers".

Like probably everyone who reads this list, I have a lot of quibbles with books that are included apparently primarily for being mildly entertaining and well-known (The Princess Bride), while books that are actually great pieces of literature and far more influential in the genre (Solaris) are missing.