
VOTE: inMotion

The same thing happened to me, but I felt like whatever cool factor the ride had was based on darkness... it was just like riding a bumpy industrial shuttle car after that. Boring!

Actually, I think you missed a point, which is that the reason Bieber makes so little money from his recordings is not because recorded music by it's nature isn't a valid revenue stream, it's because he's signed to a major label, and major labels are in the business of ripping artists off. Bieber is the case in point

i recently went back to Stand on Zanzibar.. not an easy read because of it's unusual structure, but it was really remarkably prophetic, much that seemed interesting but wildly speculative at the time is now commonplace. I'm generally reluctant to throw around the term "genius", but Brunner at least comes into the

I'm not sure what their deal is, but I would think it's probably similar to Jango, where my band's songs are played (for a fee), and the stream is not limited to unknown indies like me... I just heard our song "Sleepless" sandwiched between Radiohead and Vampire Weekend the other day.

I read an article by a reporter for The Atlantic (which unfortunately I can't find a link to at the moment) in which he said that as someone who's spent a lot of time in China, he could tell immediately that a lot of Daisey's claims were fictional (for instance, he claimed that there were armed guards at the gates of

I think you're being way too generous using the word "acting" for that embarrassment. Aren't there like a skillion out-of-work actors out there who could use the work and actually know their craft?

I guess everything is included, since it has "no omissions"!

I really like Rotten Tomatoes, and use it all the time to see if a movie I'm thinking of seeing is worth my time... but unless I'm missing something on the site, it's not particularly good as a "recommendation service"; it's really only useful if you already know the name of a movie you're considering. Jinni does a

Oh look, someone who went to sleep in 2000, woke up in 2012 and didn't realize the deliberately planted misleading meme that was wrong then is still wrong today!

Because that hardware combination is not supported by Air Display under Lion. I'm not sure what they changed about the OS that makes that happen, but (as the Avatron website notes), the Air Display driver will disable itself if it detects that you have that hardware/OS combination.

If, like me, you have a 2009 MBP with the Nvidia Gforce 9400M, running Lion, Air Display won't work for you. I don't want to downgrade to Snow Leopard just for that, so I'm out the $9.99 I paid for it.

Let's also remember when we talk about "endangering lives" that the U.S. Military, in spite of having had a year to investigate, and an obviously great motivation to find the opposite, has released a statement that states unequivocally that they can find no evidence that Manning's release of the documents has led to

Actually, my experience has been that iBooks does a much worse job of syncing between my iPhone and iPad than the Kindle app does... I got so sick of having to page forward to find my place that I switched back the the Kindle for my next book. Hopefully the new update addresses that...

Fry: "Remember when I snuck away on the diamond planet?"

I Netflixed it a year ago or so... it's not without its flaws, but worth it to me because it managed to take a the well-worn structure of standard filmmaking and find a way to turn it into a totally different experience. I still find it coming back to at odd moments a year later; it doesn't feel like something I

I thought Tabletop sounded great until I found out that it's just a platform for adding "devices" that you have to purchase in-app... iow, the $.99 just gets you the opportunity to spend a bunch more money to make it actually useful. Not quite the deal it sounded like upfront...

The central problem of all of these supercilious sayings is that the unspoken assumption behind them is that there's some sort of underlying plan to the universe that determines things like whether an individual human is "ready" for an event in their life, and withholds gratification until they've passed some

Consumer Reports has long been famous for being seriously off-base in their reports on tech gear; their writers don't generally understand the technology, they tend to pick some arbitrary benchmarks (like "screen size" or "battery life") without really getting how people actually use the item in question, and then

Yes, that does blow.