
Actually, some fine scotches, like Abunardh, recommend that a little water be added, as it is necessary to fully release the flavor of the scotch (much to my surprise, having always been on the side of "it's sacrilege to add water to scotch" crowd, it really does work for the right scotch).

I'm not generally a rah-rah nationalist, but I think it's important to consider that it's not just "let's not go to Mars now, we can always gear up to do it later"... Other countries, notably China, are starting to move ahead of us in science, and already have plans for establishing bases on the Moon and Mars. do we

And something I never realized until I heard Tyson articulate it is that the TARP program spent more money in one appropriation than has been spent on NASA in its entire history. Its entire history!!

Hmmm... I followed the instructions to export the group Vcards from Apple Mail, and got this message:

@ jkellmd: Believe me, I'm not a fan of Big Brother regulation, but anyone who thinks "the market is a great mechanism" and will regulate itself over time simply hasn't been paying attention to the history of corporate business practices in this country. "Good" companies don't automatically win out over "bad"

@takuhii: I don't think they've figured out how to eat their own fetuses while they're still inside them, though... if she'd seen the ultrasound she probably would have, though.

I loved him in "A Scanner Darkly".

I was only pointing to that article because it had a decent summation of an academic study prepared by the University of Maryland. Unless you think the University would be willing to tarnish its institutional reputation by deliberately falsifying data, you should probably take a look at its conclusions, which were

@nemillextort: bwahhhaaahaha! awesome troll parody!

Actually, not true... as you may have read, the University of Maryland just published an academic study of voter misinformation, and found that not only are Fox viewers by far the most misinformed, but that they become more misinformed the longer they watch. [technorati.com]

A very old and very tired one, which has the added disadvantage of having been told so often that probably 80% of America think it's not true, and has no idea of the actual facts behind it.

I am so down with this entire comment!

I know this is going to draw some hate in the SW-fan universe, but for me Howard the Duck is far more entertaining than any of the three latter-day Star Wars movies... and that's not saying much.

Wow, great, now Mac laptops can look like... every other laptop.

For me, Alien is clearly number one; but Aliens is close enough that it almost depends on which one I'm watching when you ask the question.

As someone whose bread and butter has been government science websites for many years, I can tell you that things like planning for a multi-year rebuild to use a clunky, proprietary CMS like Interwoven as opposed to a much more flexible (and open-source!) platform like Drupal is exactly the kind of dumb initiative

I knew it was coming because I accidentally read a spoiler in the comments... my bad. But otoh, I absolutely despise the Crewman Number Six syndrome, where you can predict who will get killed off, and know for certain who won't (except in shows that exist primarily for the cheese factor, in which case it's

Just one somewhat off-topic comment... I had a busy week, and didn't get to watch this until last night (6/12). So I had put off reading the recap until today, and rather than scroll through days of io9, I thought I'd just search for Game of Thrones. Guess what? "No posts match your search, 'Game of Thrones'".

Not to mention the fact that like many people, most of the time I tend to drive my car with the windows up and a/c or heat on, and the stereo cranked. I'm really not very likely to notice the sound of a motorcycle or anything else outside the car. I rely on sight, checking my side and rear mirrors and the road

It's almost hard to believe they didn't know (or at least suspect) that this would be the last episode ever when they scripted it... they couldn't have written a more appropriate finale if they had known.