
Your recap pretty much nails how I feel about the original... it's still a lot of fun, as long as you remember that's all it's supposed to be. It should also be remembered that this was hyped as the first computer animation film, which was considered totally revolutionary at the time. I was impressed by the fact

I had my first computer graphics gig working the night shift in the Paramount building right in the heart of Times Square in the mid-80's. Yes, it was sleazy and grungy, but at least it was real, and interesting. I felt like I had to be aware, but I never really felt threatened, and I actually quite liked going to

@drmaybe: Oops, sorry, hit the wrong "Reply" arrow... previous comment should have been directed @chalkshark.

@Logan5: What everybody else said... plus, when the shuttle showed up they were the only show in town, giving Destiny the luxury of taking time to quarantine them, etc. When Telford showed up, Destiny was on the verge of being destroyed in a space battle, and he was offering to save them. Not a good time to say

@cyclops2500: They had no choice... the ftl was damaged and offline, and they were on the verge of being destroyed by the drones. The only way out was to accept the brown aliens' offer of a ride to what was supposed to be a safe area of space where they could take the time to repair their ftl drive, in return for

@madtube: Did you not notice the repeated point that the aliens had obviously refurbished it? It's not like they left that "miracle" dangling... it was actually a crucial plot point, especially when it came to Rush's questions about how the aliens were able to refurbish the mechanics on the shuttle, yet didn't bother

The key to the whole article, to me, is "whatever doesn't get in the way"; and personally, when I'm typing on a keyboard, I'm not even aware of the process as the words spill out. Partially because I've done so little longhand writing over the past ten years or so, though, my handwriting has become a laborious

@a_guy_named_ryan: I appreciate your taking the time to write a reasonably cogent explanation of how you see the difference between "global warming" and "climate change" and how that difference has been used politically. I feel your tendency toward broad generalizations ("the left") muddies your argument somewhat; I

@a_guy_named_ryan: Actually, having worked with the National Academies of Science on the subject a little over five years ago, I can assure you that the term "climate change" has been preferred over "global warming" for much longer than you contend. And the reason it became preferred is because it's a much more

@William B. Hazen: I actually worked for the Smithsonian on their Vikings exhibit in 2000, and learned a lot about their history as a result. You're absolutely correct, Greenland was named specifically to encourage settlers there, even though its climate was much less hospitable than Iceland. However, it was going

Just heard an interview with William F. Buckley's biographer, who said Buckley told him he beat a CIA polygraph (when he was working for them)... he lied on an answer to a question that would have revealed an incident that would have been devastating to a family member of his. His thought was that your lies won't be

I quite liked this episode, and I admit to getting a little choked up when Eli's mom showed up on the ship (realistic depiction of clinical depression or not).

@REO Speedwagon: That would be awesome. Unfortunately, Fox wants to put the squeeze on by pulling its entertainment/sports offerings, but it has no intention of slowing down the propaganda shitstorm; Fox News is still blaring on Cablevision through this mess.

What, no love for Freakangels?!? I'm totally addicted to the web version...

@Anekanta - Re-Socialized Killbot: I think you have to separate "religion as an institution" from "religion as a personal belief system" if you want to talk about what it's "really about".

I think you're wrong about the Mother not being too unhappy about having her closest adviser killed; to me she looked scared to death that she'd be next on the list, and being a pragmatic power-monger herself, saw the writing on the wall and simply did her best to align herself with the ruthless Clarice. Note how she

Personally, I think this particular list would be better served by limiting it to live action... but if you're going to include animation, how can you possibly leave out all anime!! No Miyazaki?? No Akira??? Really?

Ummm.... as a 3D animator, I've been using flocking algorithms for over ten years. I can't say I see what's "new" about this!