
@jupiterthunder: Actually, most people don't take the time to go through a series of stretches designed to loosen every muscle in their body every time they get up from a prolonged period of lying down (unless they're into yoga), but most mammals, particularly predators, do.

@Squalor: Actually, if you've ever watched an animal like a dog or a cat, when they get up from lying down the first thing they do is stretch. There's a reason for that...

@Ryan Goldstein: How about we remember the fact that in ancient times humans spent most of every day walking or running; that's a little different from getting home from sitting in an office chair all day and expecting your muscles to be nice and loose for your run...

I'm thinking this is one of those cases where it's not the same for every individual... depends on your particular physiology.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

@David Roden: I was totally ready to jump on the Solaris absence from the list; thanks for beating me to it. Not just an amazing science fiction film, but a mesmerizing exploration of the nature of reality, and a landmark in the genre of "an isolated group of humans slowly degenerating into madness... or are they?".

I was totally addicted to the series as a kid... unfortunately, I recently got a chance to read them again, and couldn't get through more than a few pages. The writing is just unbearably awful!

Is "hurdling Android" a new kind of sport, where you jump over kneeling humanoid robots? Or do the robots do the hurdling? I'm confused!

@Josh Perry: Yeah, the app store is, but users aren't. I regularly decide against buying apps that cost over $5 just because I've been burned too many times buying something and then finding out it's not what I hoped it would be; I'm pretty sure a lot of those decisions would go the other way if I knew I could

@cschmitz: Thanks for being, as far as I can tell, the only commenter who gets what the real problem is here.

Verbal battles are all well and good, but nothing beats a good feature film scifi universe mashup... to wit, Star Trek vs. Babylon 5: Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

The only version of this game I've ever tried is the iPad port, and after finishing a few PGA Tour tournaments averaging 16 under (with the second place finisher usually somewhere around 5 or 6 under), I just got bored. Not much of a challenge...

This looks awesome. I'm so there...

@FabDex: awesome, thanks!

Unfortunately, this doesn't work reliably with Flash embedded on a page... if you don't clear your entire cache, the browser will continue to call a cached swf rather than load an updated one.

@lightninglouie: Agreed, it stayed with me for months after I read it.

@Arken: Not to mention that paper maps don't automatically re-route when you have to avoid traffic or a closed road, often don't go down to the level of detail you need for small secondary roads, and require you to stop the car, unfold them, and try to read tiny print by the dome light of your car if you miss a turn

I have an iPhone and I'm happy with it... I suspect Android would have made me happier a few years ago when I really got off on tweaking every gadget I owned to my exacting specs, but at this point I've got so much tweakable gear (computers, music gear, electronics of all kinds) that I really don't want to spend any