Dr. Matt

You should be a so lucky. I’ll have to restore a 71 Ford Galaxie 500.

I lost my virginity in the front passenger seat of an ‘89 Cav after a Def Leppard concert. True story.

And then there is Donald Trump that expects the world to be impressed because he knows a bunch of very small words that he repeats over and over and over and over.....

This reminds me of when freshmen try to write their first college paper with a thesaurus.

These guys?

Dear Mexico,

Pro-forced birther.

Good point. Perhaps.

I think that is a photoshop. The Trump Twitter archive didn’t return any results from 2/28/2011 or flag burning. trumptwitterarchive.com

Ok, this is some straight-up tyrant dictator bullshit now.

If Mexico pays for the southern wall, I’m sure we can gofundme a western, northern, and eastern wall.

And THIS is why most NCAA football stadiums do not serve alcohol.

This isn’t a trivial decision. VA medical positions are highly sought after because the quality of life for such positions is so good. They don’t pay as much as private practice or even academic positions, but the reward of helping our Vets and being able to have a work-life balance is very appealing to altruistic

Gary Bettman should worry about more important things like getting a hockey team in Cuba or Key West.

Who is paying for this? No really? Remember the fauxrage from the last 8 years every time President Obama breathed too deeply and the media and right-wing wanted to know who was paying for said deep breath? So, who is paying for Herr Trump’s “victory” rallies?

Considering MSU has a history of deviant timekeeping, the bigger news is that MSU needed help from a timekeeper to beat FGCU.

“He talked with Ford,”

“Win for Trump”? Are you pretending to be retarded? 1. No jobs were moving to Mexico. 2. Trump has zero power to do anything and he didn’t do anything other than bluster. I ask again, are you pretending to be retarded?

He also has a right to paint his garage door with a mural of Smurfs. Just because he has a “right”, doesn’t make him less of a dickhole.