She ran with dogs for years, and is now whining about the fleas. Meh. I really don’t feel sorry for her....at all.
1 million more votes were cast for Democrats than Republicans, yet the Dems still lost. Democracy is dead.
Remember this: “All models are wrong, but some are useful”.
If you’re pissed about this and didn’t vote for Hillary, punch yourself in the face. Lather.Rinse.Repeat
Make Lions Football Great Again.
Are you pretending to be obtuse? First you claim it’s a bullshit story then you follow-up with “Bill Clinton has ties to Epstein....”.
And just last week Dead Intern Morning Jo[k]e was whining that too many kids are just being oversensitive to bullying and that they should toughen up like he was as a wee junior douche.
Fixed it:
Trump/Sean Hannity: Clearly he’s a card-carrying liberal
100 posts of grey.
Politically correct right-wingers are outraged....over...a...coffee cup. FFS.
Fixed your headline. You’re welcome.
He would have been quite popular in 1938 Germany.
He was a good guy with a gun until he dressed up as a bad guy....something, something,....fuck it. Fuck you, Texas.
Yes, that would be the culprick.
THIS!!!!!!! Lather.Rinse.Repeat
Every woman that has an abortion that would now require a death certificate should name the fetus “Greg Abbott”.
The GOP: Creating laws that address non-existent problems.