Dr. Matt

I feel his pain. I act the same way when the batteries die on my Xbox controller.

That is like the happiest dog in the world.

“Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader believes the community at large is safe”

Prince is gone and yet we are still plagued with Ted Nugent. WTF.

Don’t forget about “Teh Whitey Tapes”.

Buffalo Wild Wings has a special this month: A dozen baby parts, boneless or original, for $5.99.

He’ll be wearing a “Make America Great Again” helmet for the rest of the series.


Now playing

Chris Osgood: “That’s aint nothing”

Are you pretending to be retarded?

I’ll be careful, princess.

You sealed your Klan/Trump-loving status with your obsession over my political views. Seek therapy, cupcake.

a high school student.

16. Memphis (6.46)

Eventually you will succeed in killing someone with your words.

Are you pretending to be Trig Palin?

I’m surprised you can even type and breathe simultaneously.

Why would you even have expectations regarding a comments section?

Translation: You are unemployed and have too much time on your hands to spend actual time wondering about trivial comments.