Dr. Matt

Too Sooner.

“Ah fair enough. You should be able to keep yourself busy doing that for at least a full day decade or two.”

“chase utley deserves the electric chair”

Give Greg a break, he was in a hurry to attend an execution and couldn’t see the last two innings of the game.

He should be thankful that he’s White. If he was Brown, he would at the very minimum been tased but most likely shot.

You forgot about: Ammo.....lots of fucking ammo.

Just remember, an armed society is a polite society.

Trayvon was standing his ground because an armed thug with a criminal record was chasing him around the neighborhood.

They seem smart. I like them.

Pro-tip: Please insert a “NSWE” (not safe while eating) in the future.

Boehner only seems “moderate” because the GOP has moved so far to the radical extremist right.

Ronny Raygun will be mentioned more often than Jesus.

And your fucktarded obsession with me marches. Amusing. Almost. #drinkbleach

Red State conservatism continues to produce society’s lowest common denominator as our next generation.

If President Obama acknowledges the passing of Yogi Berra, conservatives will lose their mind because he had the audacity of mentioning it.

Says the fucktardeds teabagger that starting slinging insults from the very beginning. Jesus, you’re a fucking tool. PLEASE do society a favor and go play in the bathtub with a plugged-in toaster. Don’t breed, you loser.

Your obsession with me is pretty fucking creepy. Jesus, you fucktard, seek therapy or go play in the freeway. Either way, you serve no purpose to mankind. Thanks for proving this fact.