Dr. Matt

When are YOU going to blame Obama for Katrina? It’s just a matter of time before you join the rest if your hick teabaggers. BAAAAAAAAH. Good sheeple.

HAHAHAHA. Says the fucktard that is a fucking liar. I’m still waiting for you to provide proof that says I blamed adolf dubyah for the Katrina response. You’re living proof that abortion should be legal following birth. Please don’t breed, you fucking hick.

You’re such a clueless fucking idiot....and yet you continue to prove that. Please go play in the freeway....you won’t be missed, you teabagging dipshit retard.

Thanks for proving my point, you fucktard hick. I never once criticized herr dubyah. Seriously, are you pretending to be retarded?

Nice rant, Corky. Clearly, you ARE angry. How amusing, Corky.

You suck at this, Corky. Tighten your helmet and truck along to the shortbus.

Stop using facts, logic, and science to refute Trufers. ///

When exactly did I complain about dubyah’s response to Katrina? You’re not only an idiot, but you’re a fucking liar. Typical teabagger.

So, you’re not pretending to be stupid. Thanks for playing, Corky.

You can predict what’s going to happen in the future? Can you give me some lotto numbers then?

On MS Simulator I would have just got close enough and then ejected. It works and doesn’t cost me a dime to trash the bird.

Many Republican voters blame Obama for the Katrina response; I wonder how many blame him for 9/11.

Anyone asking, WTH is this?!?

First question....WTF is Pace University? Second question...are we being punked?

“Why are the Eagles persecuting Christians?!?!”

HA! Post of the day....and it’s still early....

It shows once again that ESPN would rather concentrate on liberal global politics instead of report well on our beloved sports.~Derp Queen

Sarah who?

If yesterday doesn’t clearly demonstrate that this gun obsession/culture is a serious threat to society, nothing will.