What does the First Amendment have to do with this?
100s of rounds and one magazine for the AR. Well played....
Big deal. Tea party loons claim to “Patriots” but are nothing but attention seeking liars AND psychopaths.
A White guy that cares about the lives of Black folks....wow, what a radical idea.
I certainly support the BLM movement, but she’s a vile asshole who is no different than tea party loons.
Worst nightmare for the MRA freakshow.
You win the internet for the day. Shut it down.
Football a violent sport? Who wudda thunk it?
5. Give him a “blue moon shot” consisting of Nyquil +/- dissolved Tylenol PM.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
As a former resident of the Great state of Michigan, black squirrels are a regular occurrence.
The Worldwide Leader in Ectoparasites.
I have thousands of hours on microsoft simulator. I’ll be fine.
This video is just as fake as the hitchbot video. Laaaame. Fool me twice, something, something, shame on me.....
I can’t decide between FIU and Eastern Michigan as my sole pick.
“immoral, unnatural, and unhealthy behavior”.....you mean premarital sex? Getting a divorce or multiple divorces? Getting tattoos? Cutting your hair and trimming your beard? Eating shellfish? Since when do YOU and wingnut extremists get to decide what is “immoral, unnatural, and unhealthy behavior”? YOU and your…
Can we finally blame gay marriage for this terrible weather? What other proof do we need?