Dr. Matt

We’re too stuck in this mindset that we should fly to where ever we want round-trip for $100, travel with 50 billion pieces of luggage for free, get fed a 5 course gourmet meal in-flight, get access to entertainment and connectivity for free, etc.


Baseball Player: [slams pie in Bush’s face]

Makes the march towards Berlin go by much faster.

FYI. “Gardasil” usually refers to the quadrivalent vaccine, while Gardasil-9 refers to the nanovalent vaccine.

Once the FEMA Camps open, Planned Parenthood won’t be needed.

The Danica haters would feel better if she posed in Confederate Flag panties.

And this is why nobody likes Danica.......

Clearly it’s not their first rodeo.

Now playing

FAIL!!!!! What about ‘Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa’????

Pearl Jam? Meh. You should have listed Jimmy Buffett fans twice.

The Confederacy was an enemy of the United States Of American. True story.

I think the headline should be: There is actually a league celled ’Pro Ultimate Frisbee’.

My write-in votes for Haywood Jablome and Mike Hunt has been scrubbed?! Damn you, MLB!

Thanks for continuing to prove you are obsessed with me, cupcake.

Cupcake, your obsession with me is so deep that you believe you know what I hate and love. Priceless. Seek therapy, cupcake. You can’t date me, cupcake.