Dr. Matt

“music” that inspires people to stab themselves in the ear drum.

Do you hate your commenting system as much as the users?


If I become president, this is going in the water supply. Vote me.

What the hell is he hiding in there?

The stupidest things ever added to a baseball field....? Have you seen the Phillies play lately?

If they raze it, will they come?

Well played:

Speaking of preventable head injuries:


Seems like they used the model: “Let’s cast a lot of big name stars around a lousy story-line and we’ll at least be able sell it to suckers.”

At this point and time I expect no fewer than 36 comments about this screengrab alone...

Unwritten rules!

The Coast Guard was a part of DoD for most of their history, until they were placed in the Department of Homeland Security when it was established post-9/11.

Interesting word cloud of the phone conservation:

Let’s see Will Cain’s publication track-record on this topic.....


Romney officially entered irrelevancy.

Stevie-Y is the magic man