“white geekboys are throwing temper tantrums that their preferred media doesn’t reflect them?”
“white geekboys are throwing temper tantrums that their preferred media doesn’t reflect them?”
Isn’t that third pic two guys or do I need better glasses?
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Yea here in Minnesota they get local minimum wage which is nice. I usually tip in that 17-18% still, but will bump it up if they are good (I’m poor!)
Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.
Well this would explain why I enjoy the “Shape of You” but have never enjoyed a single Ed Sheeran song before.
YES!!! Game of Thrones is the perfect example of this and it pisses me off to no end. Like, so you’re telling me...you have created an intricate, multi-”cultured”, completely fake world, where dragons are magical beings who can communicate with princesses...but you cannot envision a world in which people of color are…
why am I laughing at that. The truck seems to be enjoys fucking that person’s lawn though
Holy shit. So if one jackass decides to cause property damage, the cops can just start arresting ANYONE who is protesting, and potentially invoke asset forfeiture? This is insane. Welcome to fascist America.
Trump is reported to care excessively about the appearance of his staffers.
We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.
Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop
Some a+ additions:
As if I couldn’t love Bradley Whitford more. #joshanddonna4life
striking the pose as well:
Chrissy was right to call that woman a witch. She looks just like Ursula. It’s uncanny.
Depp spent in excess of $75 million to acquire, improve and furnish 14 residences, including ...a fully-functioning horse farm in Kentucky.
Brown’s offensive reference to the wrong ethnic origin goes nicely with Ansari’s joke about people telling him to “go back to...the country you’re from!”. His follow up is that the racists tend to not be geography buffs.
Aziz’s bit about G.W. Bush in his opening monologue cracked me up. “What the hell has happened? I’m sitting here wistfully watching old George W. Bush speeches? Just sitting there- ‘What a leader he was!’ 16 years ago I was certain this dude was a dildo, now I’m sitting there like ‘He guided us with his eloquence!’”