
you come for pluto, you better watch uranus.

Bullshit. Not wanting to reply to EVERY twitter @ is not “dodging question.” Twitter is not a journalism site. I call bullshit on these accusations. #MeToo should not be just about believing at face value every accusation.

You could steal a North African wildcat kitten,” he says, “and it’d make a pretty decent cat.”

Losing both Best Chris and Second Best Chris would be criminal.

A friend of mine suggested Riz Ahmed, and I’d be very on board with that.

They were not portrayed as anything.

He is so goddamn dense that it’s honestly a miracle that he doesn’t just sink to the bottom of the pool and drown every time he gets into the water. 

French or regular Bulldogs and Pugs, or any other dogs with flat faces, are genuinely depressing animals to me. For as cute as they may be, that constant snorting and snoring and shortness of breath is just a constant reminder that they’ve been bred to have horrible features and bad health.

You Should Have Left would be a good title for a Get Out sequel.

The trailer park he was at they have trailers going for 500k not exactly your typical west by God Virginia trailer park.

But, instead of keeping it, Han gives it to Enfys Nest to help fund a rebellion.

What I find interesting is that this is the only area where he seems to prioritize “collective good” over “individual freedom”. In every other context, he says that if you need something (healthcare, a job, etc.) it’s on you to get it and it’s not society’s responsibility to guarantee that you have it. But when it

What makes me angry about the entire “incel” thing - outside of the obvious entitlement and objectification of women - is that these assholes claiming that women are just picking high-status men are the same assholes who won’t date “beneath them.” It’s not that they CAN’T get laid. They just don’t want any woman who

On the bright side they have opened up room in their schedule to bring back “The Sarah Conner Chronicles.”

Between this dress, and Woody Allen, and SodaStream, and Ghost in the Shell, I’m convinced that Scarlett Johansson doesn’t care about ANYONE but Scarlett Johansson.

Hm. I don’t know. This dress kind of reminds me of a tampon.

Nope. You have The Mist in the wrong list - that ending is brutal, haunting and utterly chilling, and the film is all the better for it.

What’s insane is that she must have called the paper with the story. How did she not realize that this made her look like a monster?

This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.

Actually, the server should be paid a real wage so we can stop absurdities like telling people to tip as though they bought things they didn’t actually buy