
Ugh. WHY ARE THE OBAMAS SO FUCKING CLASSY AND AMAZING? If they were just mediocre, it would make all of this easier to handle.

The way Obama looks at Michelle, all the time. And not just when cameras are rolling...

Oh daaaamn.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

This feels like a metaphor for his entire time in office. Look grand but turns out it was stolen from someone else and it’s fake inside.

You are not part of Hollywood. La La Land is a love letter to Hollywood. If there is one thing Hollywood loves, it’s love letters to them. They can’t get enough of them. It’s the perfect award bait.

“I think the real problem is labeling EVERYONE who disagrees with the SJWs a racist, or a bigot, etc. It starts to cheapen the meaning of these words”

Thanks for making me crack a smile, because I could actually hear Carrie saying that, lol...and Debbie just laughing :)

If there is an after life, I like to think Carrie is chiding her mother saying “Jesus, could you not even give me 24 hours before you stole my limelight?!”

I saw this from Patton Oswald’s twitter, and I agree, I think Carrie spoke through this person.

So you “believe” it’s still open, therefore Obama was probably just conning us? And therefore both sides are basically the same? This kind of anti-factual reasoning is what gave us this national nightmare.

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

As a mother of a child on the spectrum, can you please dismiss any comments mocking Trump for having an autistic child? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but that shit is off limits.

“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”

I trust that all the conservatives who complained about the expense and inconvenience every time the Obamas visited Hawaii will be up in arms.

Vaguely related: I wish this were real. Take that Trump, you rotten orange peel of a hypocritical president elect.

Yeah, pointing out the obvious wrongdoing of adults who are also elected/appointed public officials is not what’s wrong here.

When you say “there’s nobody being injured here” I’m going to guess you mean physically. That discounts the discomfort someone who is friends with these women experienced enough to call them out on this behavior publicly.

Nobody being injured here? Are you a little black girl living in West Virginia?

NOPE. Comparing a black person to an ape is racist as f*ck. Saying any comparison of a black person to an ape “made your day” is racist as f*ck.