Or if our society was designed to wake up with the sun.
Or if our society was designed to wake up with the sun.
Or if our society was designed to wake up with the sun.
Or if our society was designed to wake up with the sun.
not to mention celery, which is one of the world’s worst vegetables
It’s almost as if race is just a modern social construct and that international trade has been around for forever.
“Blackburn’s death attracted widespread attention because of its brutality, and because Blackburn, a blonde, wholesome pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mother, seemed an unlikely target for violence.”
I may be picking up what they didn’t mean to lay down, but it sounds like this is saying, “She wasn’t even the kind of…
The racists complain as if for the last however many decades of TV, when a POC died, it likely wasn’t gonna get national TV coverage unless they were wealthy, a young girl, or unless it was a slow day. Meanwhile, lily-white folks’ deaths were often televised, especially if they pretty and female.
The coverage has…
Tampons and pads. They wouldn’t even have to be out of the wrappers, the way some men react to them. It’s like those videos of people scaring their unsuspecting cats with cucumbers.
I carry pepper spray that has ink in it that is visible under a UV light for up to 72 hours, even if the person tries to wash the shit off. I also carry this tool that can easily shatter a femur or take out an eye with enough pressure. I haven’t had to use them and hopefully never will, but it’s nice to have a little…
I think they mean intimidating for the user. Making sure your pepper spray is pointed in the right direction, remembering how to use your stun gun you hopefully haven’t used before, etc. as you’re being assaulted.
I think it was a rhetorical question - she was making clear that the policy is targeted towards Muslims. Hence why he didn't really answer that
it’s totally a popularity velvet rope, not a way to keep trolls out.
I agree, jinni. The whole system of grey and black is ridiculous.
It’s terrifying to me that Islamaphobia has become even more pervasive and seemingly normalized in the past week. I live in a city with a massive Middle Eastern population, many Muslim students attend the high school where my SO teaches. He got a heart breaking email from one last night saying he would be seeing a new…
Okay so now we CAN’T dress our children up as adorable holocaust victims and then play death camp with all the neighborhood kids?? And I SHOULDN’T embroider swastikas all over my clothing but say that it’s just an old symbol unrelated to the nazis??????
That hair is not clean.
There’s a big difference between you making a mistake and not getting refunded and a customer not making a mistake and not getting refunded.
Fuck! I can’t belize that!
That’s both horrifying and hilarious.
No way you are getting a refund folks. I saw a guy get murdered execution style in Belize and Carnival gave me 2 free drink coupons.
This is terrible. Glad I did all of my raving in the relative safety of abandoned airfields and strip malls.