
I’m so glad lost cat got to be found cat! That’s a terrible Comcast story, even for Comcast :-(

I led a giant vendetta against Comcast after their tech left our door wide open and my cat got out. He was lost for days. I was berserk. Literally there was no limit to my anger/need for vengence. They are lucky he was found. No one would even apologize. Fuckers.

I fucking love that cat.

And that cat? Adopted that family - followed them home from a local park. EPIC!!

Hey now, Tara is a badass *girl* cat. Don’t assume she’s a boy because she took out a beast twenty times her size!

My cat used to scare things that could harm me away and my dog would cower in fear. I dont even care about team either, lets just stop pretending that all dogs are heroes and all cats are not. Team Animals Have Dynamic Personalities And Are Maybe More Complex Than Our Stupid Human Narratives For Them

All cats are purrfect.

My cats would kick my dogs ass in the bravery department every time. Someday I will tell you the tale of how my calico jumped between two Rottweilers to protect my mother. Girl was a bad ass at protection. No one messed with Inky Dink.

Pro: My cat catches and kills any roach that dares enter my place

Maybe not on purpose. But sometimes I wake up and my cat has somehow replaced my pillow with himself. It’s really impressive. The full weight of my head is on him and I’m breathing in his fur while he purrs away pleased with himself.

I was thinking of that cat when I read this. That was badass.

#NineLivesMatter I will see myself out now.

This is why I have one of those emergency tools that can deflate an airbag, break a window, and cut a seatbelt in my center console. My parents gave me one in the “my first car” kit they put together and Little will be getting one with hers, too.

I’ve never understood people that think that just because they’re amazing drivers (this woman obviously isn’t), they’re immune from wrecks. You can drive absolutely perfectly, and still get killed by some random idiot.

People are really, really dumb when it comes to the safety of their children in cars. I’m constantly baffled. My cousin has always let her boy sit unrestrained. He sits upfront, between the two front seats, just watching the scenery and changing the radio stations whenever he feels like it. I’ve told her that this is

Apparently she’s going to get a visit from CPS. Her mother basically says she’s a distracted driving nightmare and has done tons of unsafe stuff that hasn’t killed her/the kid only because of luck, according to the article in the Seattle Times.

Listen, I’m all about multi-tasking, and I am totally cool with breastfeeding whenever and wherever. But I’m not OK about endangering children. Ever. WTF, lady?

This is everything I don't like about Taylor in one photo. How can an adult approach life like a mean high school senior? Yes, you're pretty and your friends are pretty and you have a lot of pretty friends. I'm sure you have your own table in the cafeteria and, yes, I know I can't sit with you. Okay.

It must be weird to be SWF’d by your own sister....