Thank you for finally covering this.
Thank you for finally covering this.
I think there should be a more in depth Fairfax story here as well. What the fuck is up with VA politicians.
Classic self burn.
I am always curious what these people think wearing a MAGA hat says to the rest of the world.
That’s... hilarious. I never knew about the sound effect!
I love it when people confidently lie.
Nothing in your interpretation of the beginning of this incident changes the fact that a bunch of white kids surrounded and mocked an old guy who by his own account was trying to prevent violence.
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
I seem to be in the minority in that I loved Catalyst over the original, but that may be because I played that first. Catalyst, while having a meh story, had much better production values and the gameplay was much more polished than the original. In the original I would often have no idea where I was supposed to go…
People I know were in front of his show in San Jose protesting. Michelle Dauber, a friend and the woman who spearheaded the successful Persky recall last year over the Brock Turner rape case organized it.
High five Mileena-stan. I am with you on clamoring for a return of Mileena and her bust!
Cool stuff. But on a sidenote to Mr. Boon and friends: Mileena or bust. And hey, since we’re doing more time travel stuff, that’s one more potential handwave along with the other numerous potential handwaves to deal with her “death” in MKX.
Travis Touchdown is still a great fucking name.
Yeah, was just about to comment same, Death Drive was the console in the Let It Die meta world arcade, think it even used balls of some type there iirc
Wasn’t Death Drive also in Let It Die, that free-to-play PS4 game Suda made?
Oh no, this sucks. The first DLC was unremarkable but okay, but I definitely noticed that they were trying to get Kassandra and Natakas as being in a developing relationship and despite being pansexual, my headcanon Kassandra would never go for Natakas.
“Hey, why won’t white America acknowledge these injustices?”