a black woman.
a black woman.
There’s a saying, “To be African American is to be African without history and American without privilege.”
That’s called Jezebel.
To your sugar daddy response. I’ve dated on such websites and while a lot of people are very “transaction-forward” on there, some to the point of having simply relabeled the term escort. Some people are on there simply because they want to meet people that have their shit together. And many are somewhere on that…
I love your articles, Dr. Nerdlove.
Sure, but it has Sylvando in it which makes up for just about any flaw.
This is quality sarcasm.
Fuckin’ A. All my white friends have been flipping the hell out about La Croix for like a year and I’m just like... this shit is gross, y’all.
Boooo that’s boring get some original content Cardigan Backyardigan boooooooooooooo
I somehow beat James McCloud on my first try, no cheese. I have no idea how.
Once you get Celebi, though, nearly all of those fights become way easier unless you’re up against the clock, like Pauline.
My best tip for the 4 star fights is to take the skill that lengthens transformations, then use a spirit like the Great Zapfish that gives you Giant at the start of battles. It gives you about 20 seconds to dish out huge damage from attacks that are also bigger and harder to avoid.
As a cis queer woman I ask, why do they need to be gay? Not all tension comes from sexuality and sometimes there are other circumstances that create this tension between characters, like in these books. I don’t need every character to reflect my personal experience with sexuality. I think (?) I see where you’re coming…
I got lucky in some of those fights because they KO’d themselves.
Big fan of World of Light here! I would say, however, that the tougher 4-star fights can be pretty damn challenging. People are breaking on Pauline and Geno and such. Personally, Fox McCloud’s dad is handing me my ass repeatedly.
And immediately in the comments are a bunch of Gamers going out of their way to defend a multi-billion dollar corporation that doesn’t care about them at all. It’s pathetic.
Silver Lining: The Kingdom Hearts plot is so batshit that even the most die-hard fan stumbling head first into a spoiler video probably won't have any clue what's going on.
I’m an idiot because I know how to add non-Steam games to my Steam library?
While it is sad for these guys, I am far more concerned about this “As we reported last month, Blizzard has been looking to both spend less money and bolster its development teams so it can ship more games.”
Putting HotS support on a smaller team sounds stinky as fuck. The game is popular, there’s quite a community…
Offering warning and severance to those who relied on HOTS to make a living! I hope this is a catalyst to eSports players unionizing.