Dr. M to the J, PhD

The article started as if it were going to review or feature a game, but it ends with the line between advocacy and description completely removed. There is no more independent authorial voice, instead it takes the voice of the game. And that voice seemingly says that blowing each other in coffee shops is the natural

To the other commenters, where did they act like they cured inequality? They proved a point and people, like local news, took notice. That’s like step #1 of deconstructing white supremacy - using your privilege to not only acknowledge it exists but also right the wrongs it produced.

I see this divergence around what’s

He likes toilets for big dicks, so working for the biggest dick that does most of his work while on the toilet is his dream job.

Feels like calling the son of Haitian immigrants to the United States a “time-displaced 16th century sailor” is a bit tone deaf.

What would you call North, South, and Central America collectively?

How should he refer to the regions?

That’s normal for any large company that does business internationally. The Americas is still commonly used to specify that region.

Not uncommon at all in business, and quicker than saying “North and South America” all the time...

If you have all the same problems we do then it’s really weird that you’re arbitrarily setting yourself against us.

Pokemon Yellow was my first Pokemon game. In 1998, I was 16 years old—a little too old for the Pokemon cartoon and at that age where you don’t like “kiddie” stuff. Except I had a younger friend who was obsessed with Pokemon and he convinced me to try it, so I used money from my first job to buy the Pokemon GBC and

Yeah, I never noticed anything either.

When even was the weekly ritual? I played Friday night and I played Sunday night and I never saw it. Is it just Saturday morning through Sunday evening or something?

I got the digital deluxe edition last year for 100$ and felt really disappointed in what content I got for it once Curse of Osiris dropped. I jumped back in a bit since Forsaken launched but I just cannot bring myself to give them more money after feeling like I didn’t get my initial investment worth. 

I can’t believe that after this long, they haven’t figured out that they should just put in a raid finder and a LFR difficulty like WoW did years ago. That keeps people coming back on a weekly basis. The casuals who don’t have the time or the hardcore friends to be hardcore raiders keep coming back for that kind of

...Are you just dumb or what? Not to be rude.

Thing is -

inb4 Gamergaters start complaining about SJWs ruining their games

Technically, yes, you could call an Egyptian black for their darker skin tone, but even then, it wouldn’t really be a correct term considering people use the term on African-American people. I personally haven’t really cared or noticed the lack of black women, but that’s probably because I thought Ana, Symmetra, and Ph

I just wanted to say that I agree with literally everything you wrote above, especially with the point that Blizzard should prioritize a black woman as the next hero after Ashe. I’m not super heavy into the lore, but I am surprised we haven’t gotten Efi as a hero yet considering how liberally her pic is spread around

Yeah absolutely.