Dr. M to the J, PhD

And let’s be honest—the majority of these “fans” are going to play the mobile game and they’re going to buy Diablo 4 or whatever it is when that comes out. Blizzard knows that. That’s why they aren’t going to do a pity parade about how they screwed this up. Because at the end of the day, they’re going to have the

Okay, I object.

I think D4 is an inevitability, but if anything it is very early in concept and art stages. If you tease something too early, the internet will hound and jump all over you for it, and they’ll tease you back for making another Duke Nukem Forever.

Gamers are the worst. Why the fuck would people get SO mad about this? If it doesn’t look good... just don’t play it? Maybe a mobile Diablo isn’t even for you? Not EVERYTHING is made for you whiny manbaby gamers. Just shut the fuck up for once in your life.

“88" is a neo-Nazi code, and has been for decades.

Well, actually, neo-Nazis are pretty much the only ones that would pick of the significance of “88%”- and that’s the point.

Answers in order: yes; yes; no; no.

Kirk, this is easily the best game review I’ve ever read, but also the best writing of any kind that I’ve read on this website. I enjoyed your creative narrative prose over the the technical trappings of FPS and otherdata.”

I’m 5'7". I love tall chicks.. Unfortunately, you guys are very superficial.

I hate you both for enjoying such a sleep-filled infancy and for warning me of the sleeplessness to come.

Should be a solid no, unless they manage to program the FPGA to handle the 32X’s workload. The original required the additional power to support the add-on’s chips, so who knows if it’s possible. The cartridges are barely any different as far as dimensions.

Will my 32X cartridges work in this thing?

I’m a Doom stan, namely because I was getting bored with all the straight shooting abilities (though he needs major reworking imo, he’s dead so fast on his own). His stun’s duration is weak as hell, and his punch seems to be less effective now than before. But when it comes to team play, I can see how getting ganged

It was called booping even before Sombra was introduced. I don’t know that there’s actually any connection to that cut scene and the word being used to mean knocking an opponent around. It might have brought it into wider use, but I think that was just a matter of time.

This is an honest question: do you think it was appropriate or inappropriate for him to play Maui?

John Henry’s wife will actually be played by a light skinned Latina or East Asian.

On the plus side, John Henry is not being portrayed by Scarlett Johansson!

I don’t know if he ever actually played the role before, but in my mind’s eye, John Henry always looked like Michael Clarke Duncan.

Fight Club was also supposed to be satire, now they take it as gospel.