Dr. M to the J, PhD

Bipolar disorder.

Don't worry. The reason I know so much about it is that I am wide-hipped lady who wanted a pair too. Sour grapes, I know, but I am glad that it's not just my gender holding me back from the trend.

I’m in the same boat as you. I’m a white guy with a big butt and thick thighs and some junk in front. I have a hard time finding good pants. I’m not overweight, my waist is a 32 so if I want more room I have to go with a baggy waist.  I can usually find some decent jeans due to their stretch but dress pants are much

Te selvedge sizes are self limiting because it’s based on the width the denim fabric is woven in. That trendy, colorful woveb selvedge is actually part of starting/finishing the width of fabric. Selvedge denim is traditionally woven a but thinner than other fabrics.

Amen on the fashion thing. I don’t know how I was so lucky as to have a number of very well endowed close friends, but the trials and tribulations of finding clothes that look and feel good on them cannot be overstated.

I love relitigating 2016. There’s no downside to arguing over the past. So much less risk than figuring out how to win in 2018.  Let’s keep this up forever. 

Should I take two, do you think--and call you in the morning? XD

Aye, but the issue is less one of recognition than my learning to not rely on my credentials as if they are ironclad proof of anything. ;)

...but, yeah, that’d solve a great deal.  Dr. Doge, perhaps.  Much degree.  Very hubris.  Navel-gazing jackass WOW! ;)

I don’t know if you ought to link to that comment I made - it was written pretty haphazardly and if I could edit it today I would. In particular, it’s pretty easy to point out that at least some trans people do attempt to date without being upfront about being trans, as evidenced by the fact that those unfortunate

Yeah that’s the part that baffled me to. The stories about streaming when your kid is around. I don’t have any kids yet but I got a good number of friends that do. They enjoy spending time with their kids at home. 

We have an almost 2 year old. Some nights I will stay up a few hours and have a beer on the deck and listen to music or just sit on the couch and binge the Office or whatever. My wife doesn’t understand why I “don’t just go to bed.”

I can speak as a single parent to a 4 year old: free personal time is extremely limited and pretty much all of it has to be dedicated to self-care.

Replace the word ‘instance’ with ‘echo-chamber’ and you’ll see why this is only going to be more problematic in the long run. This is the same thing Facebook groups do and it’s proven to be a breeding ground for extremist ideologies. This kind of things is largely why society is so politically polarized these days:

instead of tweets, posts are called toots

Sounds like a lot of the issue here is they think on some level this is just a job, such as the whole “maternity leave” comment. Even if there was mandated maternity leave in the US like in the UK they still wouldn’t be entitled to it like they seem to think.

Playing Donut County made me think about the game. I might have to go play Katamari Forever again this weekend. Or the original on PS3.

I was literally listening to the soundtrack to this game in the shower this morning. It’s my favorite game, all-time, hands down. I’m so happy about this...!

Hmm, I’ll think about it while I go shopping in Macy’s (obviously pronounced “May-shees”).

My wife was washing dishes and I told her, “Oh crap, they’re bringing the original Katamari to Switch.” She immediately stopped and told me I have to get her her own Switch because she’s not going to be splitting time with me.