Poetic justice will be fixing up the place and selling it to a black family. Then he can come back and lowball her when she puts her house on the market.
Poetic justice will be fixing up the place and selling it to a black family. Then he can come back and lowball her when she puts her house on the market.
There’s a giant go-kart track coming within driving range of Detroit next month, meaning my childhood dream of Mario…
I’m now waiting for the fifteen websites to run headlines with “next Assassin’s Creed to be set in Greece”
A piping hot new E3 rumor suggests that Retro Studios, the Nintendo-owned developer behind the Metroid Prime…
Cecilia D’Anastasio: So Nintendo invited a bunch of Super Smash Bros. pros to showcase Smash 5 at E3 this year! And…
Yeah everything you’ve said above is correct.
This was a smart play too because baby Dva is such a squishy target that most people think of her as a free kill, so pocket healing her while she’s focused lets everyone take down the rest of the opposing team.
Like many customer support reps for Fortnite developer Epic Games, Hunter Davies has heard from hundreds of anxious,…
So here we’re saying the damage-dealing character is “in the pocket”? Whenever I use it I intend it as the healer being in the pocket, as in the damage-dealer has the healer in their “back pocket” for emergencies.
Idris Elba in everything. If they remade the Golden Girls, I would want Idris Elba to be one of them. No drag, no age-makeup. Just Idris Elba being gossipy with a bunch of old ladies.
See, this is why I am slowly losing my love for the Witcher Universe, and it have nothing to do with the games and the books. Sure, they have a heap of problem also, but it feels like every fan community about the game online is dripping with white nationalism, how they talk on and on about “pure white fantasy” and…
Lol, that’s ok. I am a woman, but I wasn’t offended at all.
Nintendo didn’t invite the top player of its longest-running esports title, Super Smash Bros. Melee, to its biggest…
I live a 10 minute walk from this location. Technically, portable charcoal grills are not allowed anywhere around the lake (there are stationary charcoal grills at some locations, and other locations that allow you to bring a non-charcoal grill measuring less than 27" across). They are next to Lakeshore Ave on the…
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate will come to the Switch on August 28. It’s the first Monster Hunter game to appear on the console in North America (Japan got Monster Hunter XX on the Switch last fall) and will let players transfer save data from their 3DS copies of the game.
Actually, the Anti-Kanye is anybody with access to a library and reasonable reading comprehension.
“A dude. Not a messiah.
“I didn’t even know he had kids.”
Yes, that is the correct takeaway. Let’s all body shame him.