Boston’s 3-1 win last night against the Los Angeles Gladitaors secured a new record in the Overwatch League. Across…
Boston’s 3-1 win last night against the Los Angeles Gladitaors secured a new record in the Overwatch League. Across…
Oh, I do expect somebody to turn to dust by the end, but I believe the movie will take place several weeks in-universe and not take place in 2 days like IW did.
I think the major difference between Torb/Mei style characters who see less play vs Sym is that the former characters can actually do what they’re meant for. A skilled Mei on defense can be the anchor for her team in a way that a Sym can’t, similarly for Torb on maps where he can successfully position his turret.
On March 26, a top game development studio in Korea released an unusual statement about one of its employees: “The…
And is not of African origin, but Arab / Asian from the middle ages and it first featured a turtle instead of frog. While the earliest known script featuring a frog is from 1954 by Orson Welles’ for the film Mr. Arkadin.
After writing an extensive post about cultural appropriation, i supposed you would be more…
“Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture” Maybe just this once you should change that sentence
“You’re correct.... Sorry for the confusion.”
Nice sarcasm to avoid actually admitting that you did, in fact, utterly butcher the story YOU CHOSE to make some your point (such as it was).
Dag you missed the entire point of the scorpion story. The scorpion stings the frog when they are halfway across the river. The frogs turns to the scorpion and says “Why would you do that, now we both going to drown “, the scorpion shrugs and says “Its just my nature”. The point is the frog foolishly believed the…
The body image culture in Asia is ridiculous, especially South Korea. I have a 2nd or 3rd niece who is 15. She’s had 2 plastic surgeries. She thinks she’s average at best.
Her self shaming and acceptance that “the internet” finds her unattractive is heartbreaking :(
As a now older adult who struggled horrifically with weight control issues and body image growing up, I wish I could fly-in and somehow wave a magic wand to try to explain to every similar youth that youth is beauty period.
because it fried the usb-c connector
If the third-party dock (or more specifically its charger) doesn’t negotiate voltage correctly under the USB-PD standard, it can blow out the USB-C port.
I gave up on Nyko products after their large battery fiasco for the Wii U. I had 3 of those pieces of s&#× and it would work for 5 to 7 days and then start to malfunction. It got to the point that they just refunded my money and subsequently discontinued the thing altogether. Then of course I waited for an ‘official’…
Because why should Nintendo give two shits about compatibility with some unlicensed product that doesn’t give them any money, and in fact robs them of sales? If it was a Nintendo dock you would be right, but this is 100% on Nyko.
The standard dock isn’t causing this. Nyko clearly made some assumptions about the firmware that weren’t guaranteed by Nintendo to be true from update to update. This is Nyko’s fault.
Everything wasn’t fine.
Exactly! Reports of this accessory bricking devices have been out since its launch (or maybe even shortly before). If you read those reports and still decided to buy it then you can only blame yourself.