Dr. M to the J, PhD

Fun fact: Deviljho is the monster that brought the “invasion” mechanic to the mainstream in MH games. I might be wrong but I think it was actually intoduced with his arrival to the series. If not then he wasat the very least the first monster to do what bazelgeuse does in MHW (repeatedly be the monster who invades and

I wish youd dig a little deeper with your answers and help the person.

I don’t think you understand how nerves work.

Give it about an hour or so for some very specific kotaku commenters to say that it’s all about how their age of consent is lower in japan, they’re not really people, and not releasing this game is censorship.

It’s not pedophilia if it comes from Japan. It’s culture.

Not to mention his final smash in brawl and 4 is literally him changing size at will before your very eyes.

Besides which, becoming gigantic was actually one of his powers in Bowser’s Inside Story, albeit with a little plumber-based adrenal assistance. It was an entire gameplay mechanic.

May your dissertation see wide and trumpeted publication, sirrah; this is the Lord’s work, right here.

I love you.

Are we doing this? Because if we’re doing this then we’re going to have to address the elephant in the room:

The issue I always have with people talking about voting third-party, is that the third party candidates aren’t about jack shit either. This isn’t a “Democrats and Republicans and the two party system” problem; it’s a “white people run the federal government” problem.

All the LAPD had to do was collect and file the evidence. Instead, they wanted to administer justice rather than let the system do it through legal means. They tried to fuck with evidence and got burned. If anyone wants to get mad, that’s where to start.

“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.

Dissonant melodies with that music sample at 1:20 is being kind. Very kind.

We could have used these three months to get some rest, or we could use it to create some additional content and sell it to you as DLC, but we went back to the version-to-be-released and worked on it and tweaked it and polished it

May want to rethink that screenshot considering there’s a pretty big spoiler in it. At least... I had no idea that particular character was a blade until I saw this screenshot.

I know it is a fuzzy issue because Nintendo literally tweeted it out; but the header image is a pretty major plot spoiler for XC2. It is already bizarre enough they did it, but maybe something else could be used here?

He loves his wife just enough to use her as a justification for racist caricature, but not quite enough to prevent cheating on her. There’s a very thin gray area in there. That’s where this guy likes to live.

Even worse, he cheats on his wife and then promptly uses her as an ethnic shield for the racist shit he does.