Dr. M to the J, PhD

By the IOC, the people who chose every sport and event in the Olympics.

Yes, a celebration of human physical feats. Except when it’s a celebration of equine physical feats. Or good aim. Or how wind can move a boat. Or how hitting a small ball with a stick can ruin an otherwise lovely walk.

No but for real, shooting is an Olympic sport.


Here are a few pro tips:

When mounting, its not a random chance when doing an aerial attack to mount. It’s actually a hidden progress bar.
Jumping attacks does “mounting damage” and when it fills up the bar you mount.
After mounting once the bar resets and needs more mounting damage for you to mount again.

As an outsider to Overwatch, it seems one fundamental problem is this resurrect ability, which only Mercy has. Blizzard might as well remove resurrect abilities entirely and retire Mercy as a character, since resurrection seems central to her lore. Resurrection seems to be best in RPGs and PvE games, but not in PvP

That feel when you can’t tell whether statements are parody any more.

I have the Nyko dock and love it. Seems like a better choice.

If you can get them for a good price, do it. They’re plenty of fun and come with an immense amount of props.

I mean, I pretend to work and get paid, so I can’t hate...

sao this was just a huge bit to gain attention and he didnt actually cheat on his wife.

I am in the same boat. It has been about two months since I last played this game and I still feel like the time I spent with it was a complete waste. Whenever Destiny 3 comes around, I would be shocked if I even contemplated purchasing it. Bungie has lost me as a customer, which is whatever in a macro-scale sense,

On the plus side, you can now straight-up buy the armor pieces that you want, if you’re not getting the drops you need. So...that’s good.

The future of gaming...

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

For reference, that particular Pepe is a fairly popular emote called EZ, from an extremely popular Twitch browser extension called Better Twitch TV. The poster is a reference to the sort of thing that Twitch chat would spam at the end of a competitive match (EZ because GG EZ, and then a clap emote because, well,

Some of them already were, yes. They are adding new items now:

There is still no release date for Assassin’s Creed Origins’ first expansion. It’s just “January,” as Ubisoft reiterated today in a post that also reveals that the publisher is finally going to add Origins’ pricy paid DLC items, released weeks ago, to the rotation of items found in the game’s free Heka Chest lootboxes.