Dr. M to the J, PhD

LOVE the outfit and overall shoot, but...

I voted for him cause the idea of the guy whose joke is that he’s a background character no one ever notices winning a popularity contest is too good to pass up

Who? What’s with the blank pic?

I just wish you would have included a picture of whoever youre talking about.

That’s the one. Right there, folks.

Everybody knows who to vote for, but finding him on the ballot is impossible.

you bring up a good point

this isn’t working for me

Here’s my counterpoint:

Call me crazy but I just see a person who, not surprisingly, looks less bulky after they take their thick, fur-lined winter coat off.

Outside of fan art, I’ve never seem mei look fat. I have no idea where people get this idea from (other than not understanding parkas)

It’s gas lighting. The woman was heading to Trump’s inaugural ball if I’m reading this right, yeah? So she decided she supported him AFTER she was literally on the way to his inaugural ball? And it was some presumed Leftist with a crate of eggs’ fault?

“Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 has yet to receive an official North American or European release.”
Donald Trump might be your president but I haven’t seen any pigs fly.. yet..

I keep seeing different self important declarations like these about how someone assuming the person supports Trump was the last straw to push that person over to support him. What they are really saying is they know it’s socially reprehensible to go along with some of the more extreme ideals and are looking for an

I bought the Asian version of the game that has English translation and subtitles. Of course you don’t see me complaining about censorship.

I have a feeling this is gonna move some units ;-)

I think some of it is apathy, some of it is laziness. The majority of the people in my life are Latino, and my Latina friends did not participate. They certainly supported the cause, but they were lazy and didn’t care enough. They’re not socially conscious people. It was disappointing. One gal I know in particular is

Genuinely curious: Is this a problem with inclusiveness from the white majority or lack of action by women of color, in your opinion?

That wouldn’t have worked, because the idiots who think BLM is a hate group would just ask why it’s not “Stop Killing Cops” or trot out the same tired black-on-black crime statistics.

His government may well be illegitimate. Tampering with the democratic process extends beyond direct manipulation of ballots. For example, making people fear going to the polls for various reasons would be tampering with the democratic process. Having the head of the FBI suggest that one of the candidates may be a