Dr. M to the J, PhD

I know right, I mean jeez, since Trump got elected, the leader of the free world is even a woman.

Stop laughing and start helping.

Assuming you’re American as well, he’s the President of our country. He represents us on a national level. His actions, words, even appearance are the ultimate image of us. If you’re patriotic in any way, his stupidity shouldn’t make you laugh. You shouldn’t even be laughing at the

I can’t believe that even in Europe, where I live, where many of my family died in camps, even there, this kind of people are raising their heads again.

Here are the overall principles for the march (this is the “March on Washington,” but really, the worldwide stuff is because not everyone can feasibly make it to Washington): https://www.womensmarch.com/principles/

Why now and in response to Trump’s inauguration? There’s a lot, too much for me to be accurate and

“Nerf this!”

genji could be a cool addition, but can you imagine how much work that reflect ability would be to implement? every existing hero would need specific behaviors programmed for Every Projectile They Use. every new hero would also need to be made right with genji. i doubt players would love the solution of just making

I’ve been awaiting this moment with relish.

Welcome back, Leo! ^_^ You’ve been missed.

Give the people what they want, Nintendo!

Definitely what @unimplied said. It makes sense for them to cross-pollinate between three properties rather than just two.

Let’s hear it for same day on iOS and Android!

Why invite trouble?

And hopefully we won’t have the same fiasco like last time where a bunch of creeps who thought that if a video game company doesn’t want to include T&A in the localized version of their game it’s somehow censorship. Let me repeat this just to be clear: localization is not censorship. Unless the government outright

Pictured; the consequences of going down on an ice astral.

I think it’s still too early to tell what Zelda’s character will be like in this game.

Each JoyCon (lol) is roughly four inches, or about the size of a Kotaku news editor’s p...

I summed up my feelings.

They have every reason to be bullish regarding the Switch. After all, it has party games enough to play til the cows come home. Plus it is gonna have those core Nintendo games like 3D Mario and Zelda so you can get your dairy game fix. The steaks have never been higher for Nintendo. I, for one, am over the moon with

Yeah, that’s a hard claim to prove, considering all the stiff competition.