
Oh, the days when you could get a cute, fun, useful small truck.

No. Not at that price, since there’s a bit of work in cleaning up the headliner/hatch hinge point and ... it really needs a tailgate. Otherwise, interesting, to be sure.

Three? There are Phoenicians (residents of Phoenix, get it?) who regularly cut across 5 or 6 to dart onto their exit ramp ... in traffic, with no turn signal, of course.

Turn. Signals. Dammit.


French press remains one of the best ways to make an excellent cup of coffee. Decant the coffee once it’s brewed to avoid over-brewing and bitterness.

French press remains one of the best ways to make an excellent cup of coffee. Decant the coffee once it’s brewed to

Alan Ginsberg reportedly once said, “if you’re going to alter your consciousness, stay home.”

Nope. Nopenopenope. If it has more than four legs, and it’s in house, it dies. Or, it gets caught and tossed outside. And, that last thing only applies to these hell bugs because ... they eat spiders:

One of my, “never should have sold it,” cars was a ‘72 E-150 van; three in the tree, it was wonderful. A cargo van is just a camper conversion waiting to happen. A cargo van with a five-speed is an amazing camper conversion waiting to happen.

After a year as a Hertz rental, the POS Ford Escort Wagon was bought by my father. He was always fanatical about maintenance on his cars. But, this POS Ford Escort Wagon actually had something break every. Single. Month. For example, in late spring, the wiper motor just burnt up while my parents were on their way home

Once was forced to own a Ford Escort (first marriage, car was bought over my objections). The thing cost a minimum of $100 a month in repairs. Not maintenance, repairs. Things just kept breaking. The last straw for me was the call from ex-spouse during a cold snap of -30F and lower temps saying the radiator on that

At the end of the day, it’s still an Escort, which translates as, “money-pit-joy-sucking-piece-of-crap.”

Best old-school electric car I saw was in 1992. A couple converted a Caddy sedan into an electric car with motors at each wheel and the engine bay and massive truck filled with conventional lead-acid batteries. They couldn’t run the AC, but since this was in San Diego, they really didn’t need it.

The term is, “enrich.” Richen is not a word. It sounds like a word in English, but it is not.

HOAs exist to fulfill the cravings of control dreamt by those people who’ve lusted after authority and power all their lives.

No, not everyone. An increasing number of people want phones that are just phones ... no data, no text, just calls.

Owned 2 of these ... the first was wrecked by a jerk running a red light who bounced off two other cars before smacking mine. The second earned me $50 for scrap ... the passenger side floorboard was, shall we say, porous. Very interesting car. Could take an engine swap with a boxer-type engine for more speed.

Are there actually people who will buy a car only because it has wifi? Really?

What prunes do IS the intended effect.