
Already did that. Reagan’s, “Star Wars,” was a smoke n’ mirrors program of the Carter Administration. They made it up just like the, “three card monte,” ICBMs on rails program, the neutron bomb program and others. Their strategy was to get the Soviets to spend and spend and spend on defense programs until their

In the early 1980s, a message came from China to various U.S. forces. It told them to watch a particular U.S. satellite at a particular point in orbit at a particular time. Those tasked with watching space stuff watched the satellite in question, and saw a Chinese satellite change orbital direction and altitude to

Sony stores, such as the one in San Francisco.

My experience with the so-called, “Genius Bar,” is best described as, “a journey through sexism and ageism at the hands of wanna-be tech bros.” Rude, insulting, condescending, and obnoxious to the extreme is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to describing how the, “Genius Bar,” at the Apple Store in Gilbert,

2015 Fiat 500L. The only weakness in this car is ... Uconnect. I’d love to change to CarPlay, but I’d have to replace the head unit and that’s an expense I won’t take on.

Better solution: Allow for the optional CarPlay software to be swapped out for the steaming pile of drek that is ... Uconnect.

Don’t even know where to begin. More research? My years in intelligence at one of those three-letter agencies where we actively planned and practiced various scenarios involving limited and total nuclear exchanges as part of land, air, sea, and yes, space operations taught me one thing: nobody wins when nukes are

“The(re) are plenty of other ways to interact with tech, good ways that often lead to a better experience for people. Let’s not forget that we have hands and we have eyes.”

And a useful-sized bed.

Stop this. The first article was bad enough. Continuing to spread lies like a person could, “survive,” a nuclear holocaust, or a limited exchange, or even a ballistic missile attack (which tries to ignore that the warhead on such missiles would be nuclear) is irresponsible and foolish.

Most fans of this car replace that stock engine with the 5.0 litre that was optional and much preferred. Too much money for what is a nice example of this model, but hampered by a motor with a history of crapping out when least helpful.

Absolutely! My family of choice has been supportive, loving, warm, accepting, critical when need be (calling someone on their B.S. is an act of love), and, “home.” Shared genetics is a poor excuse for allowing ourselves to be harmed again. We do not have to remain in contact with those who abused us. Period

Copy editors. There used to be actual humans who knew how to spell and they knew grammar and they knew that both required more than spell checking software since there are words like their, they’re, and there that have very different meanings. A copy editor would have noticed the word, “programmed,” was repeatedly

And this, my friends, is one of the best demonstrations of the disdain for fellow humans that is rendering this society fractured, mean, and increasingly dysfunctional. Lack of empathy is one of the most telling symptoms of psychopathy. When it permeates a society, that society is doomed.

Let me join the chorus and ask ... what about the pickup?

OTR drivers get paid by the mile. If they’re sitting, waiting, they’re not making money. Quick, convenient recharge sites will be a must if this is to work.

That would be sp-wife.

Tito sure thought so.

The seats went all the way back. Enough room.

These days, you need parts cars to keep one running, it seems.