:( Got it.
:( Got it.
Agree with all the existing sucks and psychos and such. But, here goes:
Selling any?
S0 ridiculously dangerous and unsafe.
Eek! Big Gubmint!
If they get this actually built and on the market, I give it 6 months before there’s a YouTube video of someone hooning around in clouds of tire smoke after shoehorning a Huyabusa engine into it.
For some things. We tried to use an electric kettle with an inverter and the inverter freaked out. The kettle drew too much current, more than the inverter could provide, even though the specifications said it should have been fine. Very disappointing ... I was forced to drink truck stop/gas station coffee for a week…
Anything’s better than an old Chevette.
Mid-90s grrl band.
Most back seats are pretty useless in small cars. I suppose if you had to bring along a friend ...
Damn. Can’t unsee that.
Five cars for the price of almost one heavily-used beater? It’s just un-American not to leap at this deal.
$2500 buys a goodly amount of meth, so I’m told (it’s been over 25 years and I don’t miss that crap one bit).
Have Waze. Stopped using it locally because practically nobody in town uses it. One person griping about bad GPS isn’t, “crowd,” enough for Waze to make changes.
We tell everyone to stop using GPS when they get to our little, mountain town. They are always routed to the South section of our street, while we live on the North part of it. GPS also freaks out about the annoying school and park and about two blocks of houses that, “interrupt,” our street. The routing goes right…
You know that the, “strawberry,” flavor in virtually all ice cream without actual fruit in it is often glycol, aka, antifreeze, right?
All of the above. They have become an occupying paramilitary who see citizens as their enemy and increasingly treat everyone as such. Granted, they have always treated people of color like this in this benighted land. But, ever since video recording has become ubiquitous and white folk are getting treated by police…
The, “better way,” would be for the thug, er, cop, to follow the law. He is the only factor in this whole story. He broke the law multiple times. Period. He and his department now get to, “have a learning moment.” With luck, they’ll learn it to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars for assault, false arrest,…
They knew. They didn’t care. Now, they get to have to care.