Few things are as annoying or dangerous as a drunk when you don’t drink. Give me a stoner who just settles in to binge-watch ... anything, or who makes art or music or poetry or ... Anything but someone intentionally poisoning themselves with alcohol.
Not code. Habit.
If people sang the real lyrics to, “Cotton-Eyed Joe,” about an abortionist keeping people from being forced to marry, that might make a difference ... might.
My father-in-law worked in banking. Asked about which bank one should open at account at, his reply was basically, “anyone but Wells Fargo ... they’re criminals.” This was back in the 80s. They’ve just become worse and worse as the years roll on.
What happened? Wells Fargo. Somewhere, deep in their HQ, is a study of this latest criminal enterprise which includes projections of potential fines, class-action suits, and so on, “as a cost of doing business.” Will their victims have their cars returned? No. Will their credit reports be cleaned up? No. Will anyone…
“As for why Willys let this example of poor engineering out of the factory in the first place, I’m not sure.”
You left out my favorite: Try to schedule a service visit online and within 30 minutes have a half-dozen emails from sales people and a phone call from a sales person. When you tell them you’re just trying to schedule an oil change and navigation system update, they get upset because, “you’re wasting their time.”
There is also this, “new age-y,” “nutrition,” idea that heating olive oil suddenly turns it into a substance more health-damaging that palm oil or margarine. Centuries of using olive oil for cooking suddenly discounted because some website or blogger somewhere with sketchy credentials decided that it was worth making…
The best reason to own this car, but not at $6K, maybe $2K, is that you will get to drive in every. single. parade. ever.
Not a sir. Don’t be rude.
I actually have an enormous soft spot in my heart for this car and also it’s competitor from the same timeframe, the Allante. Overpriced, underwhelming in performance, but beautiful and unique. Both notable for their weirdness, but then, I like weird.
A parking lot behind some random building next to the Rochester, N.Y. Airport. No big deal, but the radiator split right down the side, so we had to replace that before getting our special model, “POS Ford Escort Wagon,” moving again. Oh, it was -26 degrees F with wind chill around -40. Breaking down anywhere and…
Never mind.
Unconsciousness is a stunt?
He was unconscious because of being pushed over. And, yes, the elderly are in many states a, “protected class,” in that people who deal with them in many situations, like doctors, nurses, etc., are required to report if they suspect an elder is being abused. So, in this case, a vulnerable, if sarcastic person was…
Again. Not a sir. Ma’m, as in grandmother.
It’s ma’m. As in grandmother. As in F on the birth certificate. As in ... you get it, maybe. (Aren’t you glad I’m in a good mood today? I usually include a truly epic feminist rant about sexism and misogyny all wrapped around frail male egos and tied up with a car-lover’s bow ... or some such when someone makes the…
My closest brush with an actual cult came in ‘77. I picked up a girl hitch hiking in the Chicago suburbs as I was headed to the city to explore a bit. She asked if I had room for her friends (I had a ‘72 E-150 mostly customized inside). A dozen people poured out of the woodwork and piled in. Drove to their home near…