
And, if we stopped rewarding such behavior with vast amounts of material wealth, we might move toward a more balanced economy, society, and culture. After all, we shame the poor who gather way more, “stuff,” than they need. But, we celebrate sociopaths who become wealthy and gather way more, “stuff,” than they need.

There is no leader in AA. But, there are some who self-appoint as guardians of AA dogma. It is a bit tragic, but telling, that the most dogmatic 12-steppers are often those who keep relapsing. When people grasp that the whole thing is about finding your own way through to sobriety, with a supportive environment and

After reading a few comments below, I feel the need to chime in with just one thought ... driving should be fun. Cars like the 124 bring that out in us. We can and will and do quibble for days about fine points of performance numbers and design languages and so on and so on, which misses the point of this article.

Or, a basketball hoop ...

Buncha losers.

Build one for the trip home!

You win the internets.

That’s sort of the way it is with just about any older car. You find and fix the bugs and quirks and replace the wonky bits and you just might end up with a decently reliable car ... or ... an endless project.

“Shoes and shirts with no logos ... ?” Yes.

I know, right?

I’m a grandmother, not a prick, although I’ve been known to be a bit insufferable. And, I’ve never been in prison. Damn, angry much?

First, no. Second, not one.

Wow, it must be really nice in your reality. Over here in real reality, for-profit prisons are more hellish because of fewer guards, fewer staff, no programs, and a prison rape culture that thrives.

Practically guaranteed, “get out of jail free,” card: “I didn’t see the motorcycle, your honor.”

Justice, to be sure. But, a bit less than what I’ve long proposed for those who run motorcyclists off the road, or try to run them off the road. Now that we live in a world in which more and more states are letting anybody at all openly carry firearms, and are also enacting, “stand your ground,” laws, my solution

A surprisingly good car. Worked for a man who swore by it since he never missed a work day because of snow, apart from the occasional blizzard that would keep everyone home. Not my cup of tea, but he loved it.

I dunno ... the weakest link in the Wankel are those seals that must be perfect for the engine to run well. Fifteen years is a long time for any seal. Plenty of time for drying and cracking and failing ...

Don’t even try, my dear. Participating in theoretical models of military/political events was part of my work during the late 70s-early 80s. I am very aware of all the possibilities.

It rang true because of its recognition of the geopolitical realities of the time. MAD was real. Automated retaliatory responses were/are real. Anyone who believes nuclear war is survivable is uninformed or deluded.

Not most of us.