Dr. Lee, Ph.D

I raise you the initial d OST

Even Fairfield has Bridgeport; if you can't commute to NYC it's a whole different state.

Bridgeport dude.

I always forget she could literally write circles around george lucas and yet we let him pen three prequels. RIP to the most talented of the star wars cast, time to cry at work

They Picked the wrong run for cover record; That fucking Crying LP was the best thing I heard all year. The single greatest sonic the hedgehog OST that never was.

"DO YOU LOVE A MAN, MR. PENCE? CAUSE I DO AND HIS NAME IS AMERICA AND I SUCK HIS DICK EVERY NIGHT AND HE COMES ON MY FACE AND I LOVE IT" was just about the best fake sorkin line I have heard in my goddamn life

Labatt over literally anything from anheuser bush. Molson is solid too; I would argue that they do domestic brews better than anyone

"ARE YOU HEARING THIS SHIT? WE'RE ON THE SAME FUCKING TEAM YOU FUCKS" God that goalie was the unsung hero of that cast

Yeah, but she's good enough to warrant a leading role in something; bit parts are fine and whatnot but still.

Did not realize she was in that; I need to catch up on my pixar.

In terms of a long term role, or at least a lead in something, though. She deserves more than bit player.

She is so funny, it sucks the only real work she's had outside of "Sunny" is that and fucking Brickleberry, though to her credit she jumped ship after one season.

Huh, that header photo is pretty neat

Agreed, it's definitely not a Disney movie; I actually find myself thinking of classic loony tunes shorts when I watch it, what with it's rampant giant cliffs and rubbery physics.

That Dude is legitimately my favorite twitter tweetman.

But that lowest denominator, designed to appeal to a broad audience kind of stuff is the stuff that arguably reflects the largest part of the population; the fact that it's designed to draw as many people in as possible alone makes it worth investigating. The motives behind pretty much every decision may not warrant


*reads Headline*

*Sits, twiddles thumbs*

I would argue that Culture is a reflection of the people who create it; no matter how meaningless it may seem I usually learn a bit when I discuss what thoughts, subconscious or otherwise, lead to whatever show or shit is being discussed. I admit it's not as enlightening as simply watching what's happening, but