Dr. Lee, Ph.D

Yeah, Killer Mike has been railing against this for years; By drawing upon the moral high ground of "Race is an issue" and "Income INequality is bad" yet not being able to act on that has more or less ruined the DNC. They are less of a party and more of a think tank at this point.

But we started calling him Drumpf man that sure fucking wrecked em didn't it

Yeah, there was similar push back when they rezoned my (READ: white) CT town, but I guess it's more being completely oblivious to the implications, especially in manhattan, of requesting your school not be rezoned for the better of the borough. This is part of your job. Know the consequences.

Yeah, I retweeted this. Anyone complaining about the protests needs to shut the fuck up right about now.

Her show is fire and brimstone and passionate and staffed by phenomenal comedians and saying things that need to be said, which is why I am less inclined to give her a pass myself. They've set an awful high bar.

Yeah, I know I shouldn't be surprised, but considering I had enough hope to be disappointed at this point is a goddamn miracle. Canadians amirite

God, this show is great, but reading about her and Jason Jones vocally opposing the desegregation/redistricting of their kids upper east side school because it's less convenient for them was heartbreaking. I know nobodies perfect, and your kids (particularly related to schooling) are a super personal issue, but it

I def feel most breweries are tying to pretend to be crafty. akin to "Artisanal" lays chips and the like. Then again budweiser had that commercial basically calling people who like micro brews pussies, so I might be overstating it.


The resurgence of Narragansett has been nothing short of a godsend; rolling rock prices for yuengling quality holy shit fuck me up

Huh, that is the weirdest spelling of "Emperor's new Groove" I've seen in my goddamn life, but whatever.

I think the primaries more than told us the GOP is too spineless to stand up to this guy; he's got free reign to do whatever the fuck he wants, namely cause their voter base isn't even trying to pretend they care about race, sexuality or gender. I am terrified.

I read that and literally the yawn I was in the middle of got knocked out of me. An actually hateful-not-misguided scalia is literal hell

Politico had an amazing piece more or less summing up why he's ALWAYS been a piece of shit rather than a RECENT piece of shit

Poodle Hat's got Hardware Store on it, which honestly may be my favorite OG Al song. Methinks yer underrating a solid outing here.

I don't think they've announced if they're renewing it yet, though I hope they do

OHTHANKGOD, I see ads for it on the subway and I figured it was still a thing.

With this and regular show going, I can safely say the 2nd coming of Cartoon Network has officially come to a close. They had a pretty stellar run of original programming, and watching stuff like uncle grandpa get prominent is very disappointing.

Yeah, I always figured they were kinda niche, but seeing as this is the year all of these beloved cult acts are getting back together it definitely makes sense.

I wouldn't say that's a criticism of the band but that is definitely a valid reason to hate them; thinking about time machine scenarios where you prevent that whole imitation bullshit by erasing Eddie Vedder from existence are way harder then I was expecting, ha. I'm also a baby, so I wasn't quite old enough to