I’m maybe in the minority. When I hear master slave, I think BDSM and sex slave first. I didn’t even realize the race thing until I read the article.
I’m maybe in the minority. When I hear master slave, I think BDSM and sex slave first. I didn’t even realize the race thing until I read the article.
The fact that supporters of Bernie in the 2016 primary in the swing States (MI, WI, and PA) voted for Trump in the general election (in sufficient numbers to win the entire election for Trump) is all you need to know about this issue. How do you go from Bernie to Trump? Even if Clinton was a “centrist”, they knew that…
To the people who skipped the article just to come start shit in the comments, go somewhere else with your bullshit.
The relationship between the British press and their royalty is baffling, hilarious, and deeply creepy. “How dare our prince step back from his sacred royal duties of presenting awards, attending funerals and pretending to run charities! And just because we’ve been relentlessly abusing him and his wife for years? This…
Wanting to be your lover’s tampon is neither sweet, nor dorky.
My pet theory is the Queen is trying to outlive Charles and pass it directly to Will.
This is ammo that Mayo Pete will use when he goes on shows like Bill Maher’s and they discuss how gallant he was to stand up to the accusation that Pete is truly a lying MF......wait, isn’t Pete gay.....so I guess he’s a lying FF, but anyway this will be become spin for Pete and somehow, someway Michael Harriot will…
Buttigang v. Yang Gang
This is the real story: In the US, farmers tried to independently produce their way out of a price drop. Basic economics dictates that a non-demand driven raise in supply predictably further lowers prices. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. In Canada (socialism, gasp!) protects farmers through a dairy quota system that…
Even with the decline, the only way this makes sense is that Dean was bad at business, because it hasn’t declined that much. Damn. How bad you gotta be to fail in the milk business?
I like milk. Also, there’s some reason to believe I’m more of a psychopath. The theory has been put forth by a couple of actual doctors over the years.
Yes, but dammit, we COOK with it. Let’s see you make all your lovely baked goods, sauces, and mac n cheese dishes without it!
And I guess it’d be out fo the question to have Jon Bernthal come and play Cosmic Ghost Rider? For those who don’t know, he’s a two million year old Frank Castle who died, became a Ghost Rider, than became Galactus’ Herald and gained the ability to wield The Power Cosmic, became Thanos’ Herald for a couple centuries,…
Exact same logic.
Anybody who has had an elderly relative with dementia pass away has likely found notes like these in their residence after they were gone. My grandmother had grievance notes like this all over her house, and I’ve spoken with many other people who have reported the same kinds of notes with their loved ones also.
“I’m setting the over/under at 15 years (assuming the novels are even done by then)”
I mean... I know you’re right, but did you have to say it?
Bitch, one of your own investigated your rotting pumpkin. And along the way, he indicted three dozen people, including the President’s campaign manager, personal lawyer, national security adviser, several other close aides and advisers, and a whole bunch of other people.
Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.
Sure, it takes years off your life. But they’re the shitty years!! My great aunt lived to 92, which was about 20 years longer than it should have been. between the macular degeneration, osteoporosis and dementia, she ended up talkingto her dead relatives, complaining she couldn’t see them.
What if I mix the SSB with alcohol? Surely this is a two wrongs make a right situation!