DRL DeBoer

I did notice one split-second thing.

I believe that was answered in Spider-Man.

Regardless of how things go with Loki, Sylvie, and the Little House In The Void the most on-the-nose ending would be them returning to the TVA offices to discover it’s been acquired by Roxxon.

So naturally a small, evil part of me wants to see that now. 

I won’t post my usual rant about prequels, but the cut down version; “Dear god, give the prequels a rest and actually give us stories where we don’t know where everyone’s going to end up. Please!!”

I reject your inclusion of Loki and Mobius and will enter this as evidence.

If I cannot let out a barbaric yawp, I don’t even understand the point of the suburbs.

Because people are idiots and it’s a lot easier to blame a fictional scapegoat than to deal with mind shattering reality that we control nothing and will face terrible pandemics in the future.  

My only beef with this stance and with this issue is that Swinton is an unusual on screen presence who sort of carries around a lot of mystical ‘ancient one’ energy. Besides race, she was well cast.

Is there a tibetan actor who could’ve done that? Probably- and if you were just trying for the general region’s

Like so many of us, the Harry Potter series got me through some really rough times. I was fortunate enough to fall into it before it was complete, and got to live the glory of power-reading the final 2 titles fresh off the shelf.

I was a very lonely 11-year-old whom everyone bullied. My teacher let me stay in the classroom during lunch so I could read in peace, and she gifted me with the first Harry Potter book (which was controversial, because it was a Christian school). I instantly connected with the character, and eagerly awaited the second

Leftist Jew weighing in, because I’ve found that I’m not allowed to state my beliefs without reminding everyone of my faith (which is strong and which compels me to stand against apartheid). I see no one who wants her to say that at all but given the fact that historically she has been supportive of some abhorrent

Who gets labeled a “terrorist” and who gets labeled a “freedom fighter” largely depends on perspective and power balances.

The show’s argument, on the other hand, is that John didn’t really become a bad Captain America until he killed a man with the shield in broad daylight.

Imagine how much a whole preserved city can tell us about ancient Egyptian society. Picture the bakery full of workers, surrounded by a city full of people living, three thousand and five hundred years ago. Picture the artisans using techniques characteristic of their cultural milieu, which we hardly know anything