DRL DeBoer

If I cannot let out a barbaric yawp, I don’t even understand the point of the suburbs.

Because people are idiots and it’s a lot easier to blame a fictional scapegoat than to deal with mind shattering reality that we control nothing and will face terrible pandemics in the future.  

Like so many of us, the Harry Potter series got me through some really rough times. I was fortunate enough to fall into it before it was complete, and got to live the glory of power-reading the final 2 titles fresh off the shelf.

I was a very lonely 11-year-old whom everyone bullied. My teacher let me stay in the classroom during lunch so I could read in peace, and she gifted me with the first Harry Potter book (which was controversial, because it was a Christian school). I instantly connected with the character, and eagerly awaited the second

Leftist Jew weighing in, because I’ve found that I’m not allowed to state my beliefs without reminding everyone of my faith (which is strong and which compels me to stand against apartheid). I see no one who wants her to say that at all but given the fact that historically she has been supportive of some abhorrent

The show’s argument, on the other hand, is that John didn’t really become a bad Captain America until he killed a man with the shield in broad daylight.

It’s always disappointing to see yet another person suggest that people are allowed to have differing opinions on the worth, dignity and rights of others like it’s the same as having a preference for certain pizza toppings.

I wonder if Fiennes would dismiss Rowling’s bullshit as “difference of opinion” if she was saying that PoCs should ride different transit to minimize racial tension.

Sharon Osbourne is what happens when you let a stupid person think they have something worthwhile to say. It was her ignorance that made her entertaining to some (along with her family) nearly twenty years ago on MTV. That she’s still being paid to be stupid is the amazing part of the story. 

All of these Trumpers melting down because they are facing legal consequences of an attempted coup need to quit their bitching. When you attempt a coup, you do it with the understanding that things will go very badly for you if you fail. They’re lucky they live in a country that will give them their day in court.

This is more like if they kept making same Batman movie over and over again. If I trusted Hollywood to do her justice, I'd rather have a Hatshepsut movie. 

But also, maybe people will finally take this epidemic seriously. If Donald Trump has to get sick and die for his supporters to start wearing their fucking masks when in public, it’s a sacrifice worth making.

Not saying this dude is a big fat dummy, not saying he isn’t one either.

The worst thing is that I know what he means, but he says everything in the worst way possible that makes him sound so bad. He needs to make his VP choice and shut the fuck up.

I am not sure why so many people are claiming this could be interpreted as a conservative cartoon making fun of BLM and people who wear masks. It’s very clear from the facial expressions with whom you’re supposed to sympathize, and it ain’t the white anti-masker.

When I go out, I see so many unmasked people. Both young and old. It’s a shame. I was at a home improvement center and an older, unmasked guy is standing right behind me, putting his stuff on the checkout counter (actually blocking the credit card reader which I needed to use) I turned around and calmly said, “hey, I

Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.

I don’t want to hear anybody say that this is an accident. I’m sick of the excuse of stupidity or ignorance to be used to defend this administration’s actions (“Trump’s too stupid to know it is a Nazi symbol, yada yada yada). Even if say Trump really didn’t know, he is not operating alone in the White House. He has

That image makes me feel two things.