DRL DeBoer

Alternate theory on how the show will end: Season 8 will continue to pile on my questions, characters, etc. There will be a bunch of great battle scenes between the various armies, living & dead. There will be some gratuitous nudity. All the living main characters will be gathered together, Jon Snow will stand up to

I’m not a like, huge Chris Pratt fan, and I don’t begrudge him being all Jesus-y, if it helped him through stuff. It’s just...I dunno, maybe he should just straight up say “I’m against gay conversion therapy, which is a despicable, hurtful practice,” or even just sit down with Ellen Page to talk. I get the desire to

So I’m not shocked at all that the response doesn’t include any real denial of Page’s criticism.

Most republicans are exactly this right now. It isn’t about the country, or making things better for anyone in the long run, it’s about being angry that others are finally achieving some parity with them, and the mistaken belief that in order for them to succeed others (anyone not them) must fail, or be destroyed.

If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.

Yup, this is pretty much the end for the lgbtq/fandom side of the site which is a big portion, hell maybe even the entire creative side. The lgbt blogs are assuming that this is another step towards them getting banned, they’re already getting flagged as adult only more often than other blogs(like on YouTube). And

So, because Tumblr can’t be bothered to do adequate moderation of their content everyone has to suffer?

I find this abject terror of the female (but only the female) nipple in media much more offensive and embarrassing than the material it involves.

Rory, (bummer on the name by the way) The 1980's is CLEARLY the answer for best decade for movies.

Has anyone called that gun-toting girl with the long hair “Repubzel” yet?  If not, let it be known that I came up with that.

Every time someone from this administration resigns, a new job is created at Fox News. This is why unemployment, like racism, no longer exists.

What’s the fucking point of keeping up the charade anymore? There is no compromise if the other side is willing to put someone like Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. The GOP is literally evil like no hyperbole and most Democrats are just weak willed chicken shits who still think “decorum” is a fucking thing.

What tickles me the most is the fact that, without a doubt, Secret Service members noticed it and chose not to say anything. 

If he’s like most Republicans I’ve known, he does legitimately care about his immediate female family members and female friends. He would defend them from attacks and seek justice and/or vengeance on their attackers.

“You don’t call me out like that on national television,” Caputo said.

Sounds like classic dating behaviors of a man with narcissistic personality disorder. I recognize this bc it’s exactly how the two men I dated who had it behaved. Same pattern. 

Honestly i’m not surprised the white dude making money off being an ally is doing the thing he rails against most, at this point I would only be surprised if he wasn’t.

Are those “jokes”? It’s hard to tell because NONE OF THEM ARE FUNNY.