DRL DeBoer

I’ve “seen” enough for a lifetime. Good riddance.

The article that’s finally driven me to defend a single action by the asshole Trump & I know all about the ‘one China’ policy.

Thanks it was worth it. I remember as a kid trying to explain the difference between Japanese & American art to British friends.

Agree. And as for no one in US ever mixing business and politics before... *cough* CONTRACTORS *cough* IRAQ *choke*

The DOT person’s letter comes off as the most honest.

Hundreds of people who aren’t guilty or wrongly accused are already on Registry Lists (no-fly, sex offender). Perhaps we should talk about those as well.

Great choice of photo! How much symbolism can you spot in this single shot?

Reading the comments, great! I’m glad so many of you know your history. Forewarned is forearmed, isn’t that what they say?

LOL. I noticed his terror already on Wednesday, after he received the real deal in the security briefing. Ain’t no game no longer. Feel free to resign, Don.

“You can jump in anywhere and start helping anywhere. That’s what makes a movement go”

“It’s the economy, stupid.”

I like this theme: “Pants on Fire”.  If you say “Mike Pence” very fast it sounds like “My Pants”.

Trump thinks this is all a joke. No surprise that Fallon does too.

LOL. Divorce.

Don’t know why Tom Hardy isn’t solidly A-list. Very few actors are more committed to the craft than he is.

Watch the video. Ramadan Kareem.

Solution: put the NHL back on local NBC stations. Boom.

For the first time ever: a solid NO across the board.

I still have plenty of investment left for characters I actually like: Tyrion, Arya, Jon, Brienne, Bran, Jaime, and even Sansa is now worth my regard. We’ll see.

Curt Schilling, and everyone else arguing for tolerance of religious views, are incorrect about who is making these things an issue. Passing discriminatory LAWS makes it an issue. I don’t care what you believe as long as it doesn’t intrude on me. If everyone could just do as they wished as long as it harmed none and