
Imagine comparing protests against a regime has concentration camps where prisioners “dissapear” towards the organ market because of their religion, political opponents are jailed for not agreeing with a regime, has a social ranking system where people are throughly tracked through their lives against the riots,

Had she blamed it on two Hispanics, it would have been more believable

As a latino immigrant, it sickens me to see so many people justifying the destruction of property belonging to people that have absolutely nothing to do with the riots and the obstruction of life saving services like firefighters attentind a burning residence call. These things are how messages from protests get lost.

The transmission rate is absurdly higher by air than in surfaces. If someone else in your household has the virus, you will eventually get infected unless they are isolated in a room, and even then you can get infected. By the time your asymptomatic carrier that came from buying groceries shows symptoms, this is 7-15

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you got scammed, hard. You can get the same “illusion” color off stores in ali and amazon for around 30-40€ for you to put on your console and joy cons. They seem to be exactly the same quality, down to the little ripple around the button holes. The 199$ asking price for the

Unless you can find a post about how she was OK about it in the end, that statement stands.

I don’t think this is especially hard to understand.

IMO, to remain consistent in the logic of respecting people’s personal choices, bringing up her up in these discussions after she explicitly asked not to, is as bad as people commenting things like “it’s a he”.

There’s no real harm in OPs post, especially if the take away is a learning experience.

Friend, did you read her full quote? Here is the more relevant part, which you seem to willfully ignore:

If Riot were sincere about a serious culture change, they’d have IT find the employee who wrote “We all recognize you are spending player dollars to bring Riot down.

A gasoline soak and the huge fumes release caused by the idiot spraying gasoline everywhere like it was weed poison only “causes burns during an escape”? You do know there was enough fumes released that there was an explosion, right? You do also know that burns is not the only way people die in a fire, and being

Yeah, that’s why the arsonist also doused the fire exits, main entrance, and half of the employees with gasoline. There’s no firecode that’s good for having gasoline on half of your workforce along a huge gasoline fumes buildup in a small building.

Firecodes don’t exactly account for an idiot dousing half of the employees in gasoline, along the emergency stairwells and exits.

There is only one nonhumanoid female character,

Why would you want two separate circles? Taking a few seconds to read the linked article, none of the three names in that one appear on this one. You went through the trouble to link it, why not also read the first paragraph and notice this? Or did you read this headline and rush here to post without reading the

You don’t need to COMPLETELY rebuild systems to include those kinds of lessons in a school programme.

No, receiving nothing is not a requirement for something to be classified as gambling, I’m quite sure you understand that this would be extremely dumb and open to abuse. Receiving something that is “of the value of the box” in digital items makes it not gambling? That’s like saying that since a casino gives you a