
Building a space launch company, a multi-thousand satellite constellation, and the most successful EV company is a snake-oil salesman?

What actually surprises me the almost is the total lack of mention from the “get woke go broke” crowd

You, and so many, many others, are more interested in hurting shitty people (Riot) than rewarding decent, talented people. Your priority is, in short, vindictiveness, plain and simple. Never mind that higher viewer numbers also translates directly to the creatives involved garnering more work, recognition, bargaining

How can this possibly be your response? This post completely ignores the artists nuanced discussion of web3 technologies and NFTs, and it’s part of a very interesting discussion. Most people will completely miss out on this as the majority of press about this will be reduced to the exact voice you’re reading here.

Not only, but obviously the main reason.

To be completely honest, white people talking on my behalf deciding what offents me as a latino immigrant is the most racist thing that has ever happened to me as a latino immigrant. I’m from El Salvador.

I’m Mexican and I’d like to say that I think it’s rad if you wanna put on a sombrero and drink large margaritas sometimes. It’s okay honestly.

For those of you that don’t want to watch the video: White lady has just bumped into 15-year old, who didn’t take it well. White lady is getting berated by the girl and what appears to be her mom. White lady is standing there, silent, taking it. White lady says, “you’re blocking me from getting to my car” (they

Now playing

So, anyone going to link the video from the other perspective? The one where she has bumped into them, gets harassed and threatened, tries to leave, gets stopped and THEN pulls the gun? No? Okay, I will.

The skepticism was never born over the gender of “Ellie”. Her early streams showed her being light years from being a top 500 player skill-wise and suddenly it’s a player that is in the top 500 players, does not reveal the main account’s handle even though it’s a very close community, and does not reveal a legal name

Actually, yes, it is hard, considering blizzard just finished “her” background check and found out that it’s actually an impostor, so it would have been hard to say they knew who “she” really was in a tweet defending “her”.

Replace the word ‘instance’ with ‘echo-chamber’ and you’ll see why this is only going to be more problematic in the long run. This is the same thing Facebook groups do and it’s proven to be a breeding ground for extremist ideologies. This kind of things is largely why society is so politically polarized these days:

Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not

Ugh I hate femi-nazis. Mansplaining as a pejorative pisses me off because half the time, it’s intended as an insult and not because the person was actually talking down to people because they were a woman.

Anyways - all that aside, I’m extremely uncomfortable with social media justice as it’s too akin to mob justice

That’s a lot kinder words than I have for TotalBiscuit. She was holding back, if anything. We should sugarcoat that shithead just because he happened to die of cancer?

Her shit conduct, that would get any regular mook fired from their job, is being labeled as an attack from reddit an the patriarchy. Even without the extra BS that came after the initial exchange. She made a public post with the intention of being hostile. She was clearly upset at her job and decided to set the record

In todays media climate it’s easy to misbehave as a woman, get burned then cry wolf and crocodile tears and calling out so called male priviledge.
What I have read/heared from this she was out of bounds as a profession and a decent human.
What other people said is mostly irrelevant as it started out as a conversation

See? If you were saying that from an identifiable social media account that identified your employer, then you should be fired for it.

How much did you get paid by the devs for this article?
You know... There is something called ethic.
I know i know... new concept!
"Mass Effect meets Heavy Rain"?? the only ones calling it like that are the devs...

I know this won't get approved to appear... But at least think about what you guys at kotaku are doing.