Terms of Enroadrampagement?
Terms of Enroadrampagement?
Thanks for the politics. Not.
Husband clearly needs to get his own ass to kitchen to make dinner, leave the wrenching to you.
I am a girl married to a fellow enthusiast. I recently completed my first successful wrenching attempt, but not without some annoyance. A year ago, I tried my first project and it became not-my-project from the moment my husband raised the lift too high for my 5'4" self to get the rear wheels off. Some months later I…
Hey man...I’m like school in the summertime.
As my grandfather would say “they don’t build ‘em like they used to” to which I’d reply “Thank God.”
nailed it.
A car running rich needs the mixture leaned out. The stock ECU tune does run the engine quite rich in the powerband, somewhere in the 11s, and reflashes solve this problem by bringing it to high 12s, low 13s. I’m not sure where you get “cylinder roulette” out of this.
Heck no, these dopes just say stuff like that, and that the BRZ needs a turbo, wagon this, and shooting brake that.
My future son in law has one of these. He’s a dentist.
I got to sit in the passenger’s seat and HOLD ON!
Lot’s of fun.
I like these as well