Definitely not HOAPresidentParkingLot LLC
Definitely not HOAPresidentParkingLot LLC
How did these become so ubiquitous in the States.
I give it 18 months before meter maids have flak jackets.
Well, I hope it works out.
Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery. All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.
“Hi, I owe 27k on my car, and that’s too expensive! I’d like to buy a car for $28k to lower my payment.”
That’s akin to saying a Tesla would be better with a V8. It wasn’t designed for it.
They all come with manuals. The problem is that they are in the glovebox and start off with explained how to get the car out of Park.
I want to re-paint it to say 1.21 Jiggawatts
Twin Turbo Twat!
Oh god, we already have Florida Man and Florida Woman. Who thought it was a good idea to add Florida Car to the mix!?
is quite well-loved, even after 57 years of service, since the Kennedy Administration.
Trucks are the internet porn of vehicles. People are like “Nah, I don’t need that” and then open their browser at 2am and go to the RAM configurator.
: (
“I guess as far as SUVs go, this one isn’t awful.”.
Let me drop a little lawyer on you:
Q: You’re 70 now?
A: That’s correct
Q: So, we’re to believe you’re a gentle-driving retiree, is that it?
A: Why, yes, sonny, that’s right.
I wish I had the free time to do something like this. I wouldn’t do that - I just wish I had the time.