
Definitely not HOAPresidentParkingLot LLC

How did these become so ubiquitous in the States.

I give it 18 months before meter maids have flak jackets.

Well, I hope it works out.

Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery.  All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.

“Hi, I owe 27k on my car, and that’s too expensive! I’d like to buy a car for $28k to lower my payment.”

That’s akin to saying a Tesla would be better with a V8. It wasn’t designed for it.

Just sayin’.

They all come with manuals.   The problem is that they are in the glovebox and start off with explained how to get the car out of Park.

I want to re-paint it to say 1.21 Jiggawatts

Twin Turbo Twat!

I can’t wait to hear about its Quirks and Features!

Oh god, we already have Florida Man and Florida Woman. Who thought it was a good idea to add Florida Car to the mix!?

is quite well-loved, even after 57 years of service, since the Kennedy Administration.

Trucks are the internet porn of vehicles. People are like “Nah, I don’t need that” and then open their browser at 2am and go to the RAM configurator.

: (

“I guess as far as SUVs go, this one isn’t awful.”.

Let me drop a little lawyer on you:

Q: You’re 70 now?

A: That’s correct

Q: So, we’re to believe you’re a gentle-driving retiree, is that it?

A: Why, yes, sonny, that’s right.

I wish I had the free time to do something like this. I wouldn’t do that - I just wish I had the time.

Jesus take  Tweel