
To have torque steer don’t you first need to have actual torque?

Like? at the same time? cause that sounds like a cult.

Time to put this one down.

This is bad news for the newly re-badged 320hp 340i.

Mk IV Supra and FD RX-7. Both wrap around you with all the bells and whistles aimed at you instead of letting your passenger touch everything.

“I want rumbly V8 power but I want it in the most boring way possible.” -The owner of this car.

Assuming the “date-ee,” as it were, knew anything about cars, this would be an easy challenge. Car people look for badges. They’ll see an “M” or pick out the “AMG” on the trunk lid. They would know what a kompressor model is. Personally, lord knows I just want somebody who will see my V12 badges without them being

I’ve never driven a car with no suspension and a penchant for snap oversteer, but this bad boy right here corners like it’s on rails!

Brake lights that flash when ABS is active to warn those behind you. Need to get this past regulation.

Minivan = ex-wife.

My bitch ex wife had me trade in her perfectly servicable Honda Odyssey on a new Pilot and then THREE FUCKING MONTHS LATER she went to the dealership and traded her new Pilot for a new Odyssey because she missed the sliding doors. Fuck that bitch in particular.