
And how in just a few week Lars managed to teach them what has taken him years to master.

I mean, if they didn’t actually break the law, the police didn’t have any choice but to return the firearms.

The world has officially gone too PC when there are articles about how bad it is to beat up criminals in a video game because they are criminals for extenuating circumstances and how spiderman is not good because he is beating up “Citizens” I dont mean to get political but reasoning like this is what allows the bad

FYI, that’s exactly how it’s handled in Spider-Man. Spider-Man specifically says “I better get out of here before the cops arrive” after most of the crimes he stops. And hey, guess what! If you stick around, some will even shoot at you or say they’re taking you in.

“I’m not grasping for as many straws as it may appear.”

I disagree. This is silly.  

Go look up the toy gun he had that looked real and see if you can decide in a split second. 

I know it was a toy. And t looked realistic. Try looking at the image from the new story, and imagine havin that pointed at you.  His death was tragic, but he wasn’t murdered. He had plenty of ownership i it. 

“but is especially so given how just months after Bag Man’s 2014 release, 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed by police when he was seen playing with an airsoft gun in a park near his home.”

You misspelled “homicidal.”

On the Autobahn, people actually do that as a form of suicide. They call them Geisterfahrer or “Ghost Drivers,” who intentionally go max speed in the wrong direction to end it for themselves (and random innocent bystanders).

Yeah, these go for about $90k used; I’m 33 and I’ll probably never see that amount of money in my lifetime.

And I hope that whatever fortune he amassed is awarded as damages to the family of the innocents he killed. 

I want to say something shallow, stupid, and sarcastic that I’m sure I would think was funny and that will probably include the word “Millennial” but no. This is just sad and tragic.

Most likely suicidal. Unfortunately the wrong way driving on a highway is not an uncommon way to do it. Which is the fucking worse because you are taking others with you. 

wow this is the first insane step that all creepy liberals have always wanted, Open Borders.

Now playing

I would argue that he is most remembered for fighting Bruce Lee in The Game of Death:

He was also in Bruce Lee’s Game of Death!

No, she was always into comics and other “nerd” genres and technology, just not video games.

Are we sure that wasn’t the actual Gamora there...

I wonder if Olivia Munn was the only one on that panel to realize where the song came from and that’s one reason why she gave them the golden buzzer 😂