
Wait, so you believe nobody should own property and it should all be owned by some sort of governing body established by the will of the citizens . . . but think eminent domain is a “violent crime?!?!” You realize that is entirely internally inconsistent, right?

Not so much, no.

That doesn’t actually sound like an explanation for socialism.

The one that benefits from the gutter and the utilities being billed.

But like, who fixes the gutter and pays the utility bill? The owner, right?

I’ve never understood the “all property is theft” thing. What does it mean, exactly?

“You think you’ve got it bad with me, kid? Wait’ll that tiger mom gets hold of you!”

That top stack is around $1k.

I don’t think he wasted money on it if he enjoyed it while he had it or enjoyed the process of buying it.

Obviously you don’t know the meaning of the euphemism.

If you want a fast paced activity how about pick any sport other than golf, jerkass.

Whatever happened to just bombing it into the group in front of you playing too slow and getting into some good ole fashioned fisticuffs? Gotta make golf exciting somehow. Geez. And also GOLF: Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. Geez Louise.

Big names are worth more money. - more visibility.

Wait...which male stars? Because if Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins make more, they should. Not because they are men, but because they are bigger stars with better resumes. Not all pay disparity is discriminatory.

Not if I get to die of a crushed pelvis.

I’m a let you finish but Dark Cloud had the best mimics of all time, of all time!