
What I always tell new shooters when they come out for the first time:

It actually is quite common if you travel outside of the places which people term “the West”. The ones I saw growing up were mostly wielded by the security forces, though my dad did run across instances where they were wielded by others, when he served in one of the contested regions. Still, I wouldn’t really call it

Good article.

Great article Wes, everyone should know this stuff. I daresay it should be taught in school even.

Well, what would have been the outcome if Rick had not put this plan into action?

Correct. Jeez, it’s insane how many people don’t recognize this. You don’t have Glenn die off by himself, just like you don’t have Robb Stark trip and fall and die while pissing alone in the woods. Not that “it isn’t done” but that it’s valueless in terms of plot.

Glenn is alive; your intestines are not right below your neck, so those had to be Nicholas’. He’s going to scootch under that dumpster and be reunited with Maggie: Maggie: “Glenn, what happened to you?” Glenn: “Got a little Nick on me, that’s all”...

I guess you’ve never seen a raccoon hunt with dogs then.

Consider your Star Wars costume options.

Now playing

If you REALLY want to see something incredible/heartwarming/kind of disturbing, watch this clip of a Rottweiler saving a chihuahua from a coyote. In sum: coyote surprises chi, chi puts up hell of a fight and stalls for time long enough for Rottweiler friend to take notice, Rottie saves the goddamn day (but without

Dogs were originally domesticated and bred for purposes other than being petted. One of the main reasons was hunting. A hunting dog can’t very well go searching for prey if its owner has to be right next to it while it looks for scent trails.

My first thought after reading your comment was when in “Mad Love” Harley successfully captured and hung Batman upside down over a piranha tank.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

I wonder how legal it would be for the officer to tell him you had died, let him stew on that for a bit, and then tell the truth.

Didnt you see the camera bikr absolutely blast past that truck at the beginning?

I agree 100%. Youve got your girl on the back, no protection, speeding and passing on a double solid. You are just asking for trouble.

Looks to me like a case of asshole (swerving into them) on asshole (speeding recklessly, passing in a no passing zone, no safety clothing) crime.

I’m feeling a lot of Boy Scout in this...which is neither surprising or bad.

Trust me. No one would watch a TV show about me. It’d be the Jinxe and her Cats show. And it’d be boring.