


I normally respect other people’s opinions on things but with this;

Still not sure what the problem is. I mean, I know he isn’t Ironman or Batman, but at least he tried. Even if it was for headlines, the fact the the kids were saved before it was used is not a bad thing. If I were a parent of one of those kids, I’d rather a bunch of possible contingency plans than nothing. YES, the

This is an easy one for me. Dubs for action heavy and story light anime (Think Dragonball) and Subs when the story drives the plot (Like Death Note). It all matters on where the attention needs to be focused.


You mean by having great gaming skill and compelling personalities?

I starred this, not only because it’s funny, but because I am currently watching Danger Island right now.

Perfectly Explained

Scrolled down to see where Conroy was, was pleased

SLJ himself says that mace survived. In Ep2 he is on fire, and jumps off a wall and slows himself down with the force. He can absolutely have live through that fall.

Scrolled through the comments 100% sure I would not see a single positive one referring to the article subject matter.

Get better sir.

Its not fair to call them racists. Maybe they are just huge misogynists...

Death by SnuSnu sounds like a good way to go.

Great story, but why didn’t you then walk over to the man, tell HIM to call the cops and offer to stay there as an independent witness for the police? One of the worst things in our communities now is the “I didn’t want to get involved” attitude. But once again, great story.

Now I am worried about a sneaking in of a Riri character and Tony dying at the end of the first movie...

It’s like it is almost possible to not like a PERSON whom is part of a group (or groups) and NOT have the same feelings towards every other person in sed group/groups. Like being able to distinguish between people and not give a crap about labels.

Well Said, can I be your friend? LOL

Agreed. ALL censorship should be looked at under a very heavy microscope (Granted things like me not letting my kids watch porn still count so I can not say all is bad). Motivations for it are the #1 thing to be looked at. Blocking any scientific facts without an equivalent scientific study is just plain wrong.

PLEASE make this in the Witch Skin.