
You are not allowed to make any video about police without badmouthing them in some way and be allowed to work here.

Everybody and their aunt has an old Wii bar somewhere, so it could work just fine.

Ahh I see

Good to know, thank you.

No, honest answer. The article says that they are not to or from Clinton, I can not find that info anywhere myself.

Can someone link me to were they released that the emails they are investigating are neither to nor from Clinton please. I can not find anything on it either way. Thank you.

This is awesome. Also I unlocked her Witch skin twice in a row, then the Junkenstien twice in a row two lootcrates later. I have never been happier in OW...

I love how people are now saying “Who cares?” about this. I personally will wait, see what the emails actually say, then form an opinion. The people that are glad that they already voted, what if this actually proved severe criminality? Would you then be pissed about your vote, or would you not care?

Roadhog, because of the hook...

Closer to crushing your feet and letting them heal in a deformed manner, but then also having you walk around on them to survive since animals do not use wheelchairs. But yea, I have had those headaches in the past as well. They suck, Sorry you get them.

Really wish I read it listening to it now. o well.

Or, remember, phones have NFC suppor, so you could pair it to a phone and use that for your statues/figures.

My last trip there I saw a ton of Trump flags in stores but no Hillary ones. I found that interesting.


I bet he lets it all ride on red on the same hand.

You do realize that the animal was probably in pain right? It wasn’t an evolutionary mutation that made him better. It made him a weaker bear, which is why he was always in populated areas.

“This guy was on TV, lets blast him for a middle of the road comment on Reddit for Fuck-All of reasons...”

LOL my fault for not proof reading while using spellcheck.

I am going to be honest. I started reading this thinking you were just going to bash all police and talk about how only people of their own race can police themselves properly. And as someone with family in policing I was already getting indigent at the story even before reading what you wrote. Then you go a

The TF2 guys on strike, especially the Engineer who had a sign “Torb took my job” were awesome guys.